Tool - Die Eier Von Satan [ American Rock ]

From the legendary album ‘Aenima’

Slanting far more towards Progressive Metal than Rock, here is a delightfully frightening recipe to make cookies.

    9 months ago

    Has anyone tried the recipe? I’ve been tempted to try it one of days but have never gotten around to it yet.

    The Eggs/Balls Of Satan

    Half a cup of powdered sugar

    One quarter teaspoon salt

    One knife tip Turkish hash

    Half a pound butter

    One teaspoon vanilla-sugar

    Half a pound flour

    150 g ground nuts

    A little extra powdered sugar … and no eggs

    Place in a bowl

    Add butter

    Add the ground nuts and

    Knead the dough

    Form eyeball-size pieces from the dough Roll in the powdered sugar and say the Magic Words: “Sim sala bim bamba sala do saladim”

    Place on a greased baking pan and Bake at 200 degrees for 15 minutes …AND NO EGGS

    8 months ago

    I use to love Tool but then I realized that they are douchebag who like to have sex with minors. I went to a show with my girlfriend who was 16 (me 17) and they sent someone saying the guys wanted her backstage. She said she would go only if I can come too, and we were told “that’s not how it works”. Lots of other young girls went. I have been disgusted by this band since. This was late 90s or early 2000, the guys were in their 30.