There are always stories of people installing Linux on their parents computer to provide them a more secure and stable operating system, seems interesting to share experiences.

Edit: I’m assuming that parents are okay with the changes, or do not care. Obviously do not force anyone to switch OS if they don’t want to.

    29 days ago

    Not Linux but an old Mac OS X on a Mac Mini a long time ago, it lasted 5 years. Then Linux Mint that lasted 5 years too. Maybe controversial but most people only need LibreOffice and Firefox, so anything as easy as Ubuntu or macOS is enough (if you have a free Mac for macOS).

    They switched to Windows 10 or 11 because they didn’t listen to my opinion and now they suffer more than ever, and they even got a subscription for an antivirus.

    It’s funny because in 10 years (Mac and Linux) I had no support to do, and now that they switched to Windows, it’s broken all the time.