(crossposting, because i think it can be interesting here too)
I like my video collection nicely organized and omogeneous as formats, codecs and resolution.
I know there are already pleanty of solutions like Tidarr, but i find them a bit too much for my needs, and also pretty complex to use.
I wrote a simpler approach in a bash script called “Media Fixer”, the URL is at the top of this post.
Feel free to check it out, play with it. I hope it can be useful for others as well as me.
It’s released under the GPLv3.
Very cool and nice share !!
I’m also an organize freak and also have my own bash script to loop over my files and encode everything to AV1 :).
While my script is ugly as fuck (not a coder here so I’m doing what I can XD) it works and fills my need.
I won’t use your script directly, however I will take inspiration of your bash script code ! That’s okay I guess?
Thanks for sharing with the community !!
Thats more than totally fine, its why I shared it!
Hope it will help
seems handy. hardware acceleration would be cool but it can be a clusterfuck on linux
There is no real need for GPU, since its not ideal to use GPU for storage. GPU transcoding is better suited for streaming, and it has lower quality than CPU transcoding.
Anyway, just enable it by setting the proper ffmpeg flags as stated in the readme and there you go.
i gotta say, all the exits makes testing really frustrating
Perfect timing for me! I was starting to plan out how I was going to transcode my media library and had decided to write a script to do it. So I’ll give this one a try!
I wrote a media conversion script a decade ago to do that for me, but upkeep was annoying when something like FileFlows makes it stupid easy to accomplish.
I still have that script somewhere… I bet I’ll cringe reading it lol. Still, it’s a great learning experience.
Let me know how it goes! Happy to help if I can.
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Super interesting approach. I like it.
Looks cool and is particularly suited to my needs. Thanks for sharing!