It’s #BlueFriday and let’s celebrate by doing something good for the planet. The most eco-friendly device is still the one you already own!

Install GNU/Linux and run new & old HW more efficiently and for longer, reducing the disproportionate #carbon footprint from device production.

Donate the savings to #KDE and #FOSS projects to show your love for all the amazing things we achieve when we work together:


#SupportGoodPeople #fundraiser #BlackFriday #OptGreen

    4 months ago

    Ok, so I’m trying to get into this and have two laptops and a desktop I just Frankenstein’d together. How do I go about making a thumb drive installer? I have access to the interwebs from my phone… both laptops have busted wifi cards and the desktop will likely freak if turned on cause it’s windows 8.1 or something and totally new hardware not to mention I think both hard drives I hooked up probably have windows on them but likely not the same versions.