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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023

  • The performance has been pretty shocking at launch even with the latest patch. What’s even more shocking has been the super bad takes from the steam forum commentators such as:

    • skylines 1 also launched poorly, it’s fine
    • at 100k sims in skylines 1 you only used to get 30 FPS max so why are you complaining
    • just drop your settings to low for everything it’s fine (and also it looks like shit)
    • I’ve had no issues on MY computer, it’s perfectly smooth (it’s running at 15-25FPS)
    • get better hardware (it runs poorly at 100k with a 13900k + 4090, upgrade to what, a supercomputer?)

    I get that people invested want to bootlick their favorite company, but pushing out games that are clearly not finished isn’t great

  • I miss the random non tech centric communities from Reddit. The userbase here, across the fediverse as a whole gravitates towards more tech focused aspects and while that’s fine, you miss out on the random topics / subreddits you’d find on Reddit.

    (The answer isn’t also ‘just start that community here’, specially I miss randomly getting topics from subjects I wouldn’t even search for, but just get surfaced because of the shear amount of content and users Reddit has)

  • Spot on, I’ve seen plenty of great looking projects that I could contribute to but have next to no onboarding or set-up process. I’m keen on helping out but I’m not going to spend days setting things up locally because the primary project managers CBF to simplify the process.

    Minimizing the mental overhead to get started should be something these larger projects strive for, especially if they’re struggling to get devs.

    Even something like having a docker container for web apps is massively helpful, being able to up a container and everything just works means more tech adjacent contributors can join the project (designers, UI/UX experts, testers etc)

  • Docker for example is used on the Kbin project. They’ve created a docker image that gets PHP, Posgres and all the other services needed to get up and running with the project.

    Without that image you’d have to manually get everything up and running and while I’m sure some people are comfortable jumping into a new project, having a single image that does most of the legwork means you can attract developers who just want to get started right now.

    This is super handy for UI/UX/Designers/concept focused people who need to get the project running locally quickly.