
  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • Wtf are you talking about? Get a grip, homey. I’m not saying others should suffer. Do you really think that the power of AI is going to result in the average person not having to work? Fuck no. It’s going to result in like 5 people having all the money and everyone else fighting over garbage to eat. Shiet, man. I’m talking about wanting to not be unemployed and starving, same goes for everyone else soon enough. Would I prefer a life without work and still having adequate resources? Of course! But I live in this world, not a fantasy world.

  • I give instructions to AI like I would to a brand new junior programmer, and it gives me back code that’s usually better than a brand new junior programmer. It still needs tweaking, but it saves me a lot of time. The drawback is that coding knowledge atrophy occurs pretty rapidly, and I’m worried that I’m going to forget how to write code without the AI. I guess that I don’t really need to worry about that, since I doubt AI is going anywhere anytime soon.

  • I’m saying that it doesn’t work. At least not without some pretty serious bugs. Perhaps there are some magic fixes out there that I haven’t found, or perhaps I have some taboo combination of hardware, but so far I haven’t been able to fix the visual and latency bugs that are present with KDE Plasma and an Nvidia GFX card. I’ve followed the wiki thoroughly, and some instructions on some forum threads, but none of it helped.

  • Edit: I just tried X11 and it seems a lot more stable. I didn’t have time to play a game, but I checked a few things that were causing flickering before and they weren’t flickering. On the login screen at the top left, pick x11 from the first drop down and then log in. Hopefully that works for you.

    Original message below: If you installed your steam games on a separate partition. Otherwise unfortunately not. You can switch DEs without losing them though. The guy above this said that x11 KDE might fix the issue, and a new version of Plasma might also fix it. Check his comment. Overall though if you want a hands off experience then Pop is going to be a way better introduction to Linux than Arch. Although… Pop uses Gnome. So you would have to change the DE. There are some other distros that are pretty plug and play like Kubuntu or Mint that use KDE. I don’t think they’re as dialed as Pop, and IDK their Nvidia driver situation though, so check that before deciding.

  • Edit: I just checked and I’m already on kDE Plasma version 6.1. And KDE Frameworks version 6.3. I wonder, do I need to undo some of the settings I made for KDE by following the Wiki if 6.1 was supposed to fix it?

    I’ve thought about switching to x11 instead of going back to Gnome, but I haven’t decided yet. HDR is definitely not worth all of these other visual glitches and latency, so I need to do something. I don’t understand how the system can perform so poorly and be considered stable enough to be the default. At least half the people out there are probably using Nvidia cards.

    Is there anything I should know before I switch to x11? Like, do I need to undo all these custom settings I made for the Nvidia driver, or use another driver? I’d appreciate the advice since this is one issue I’ve encountered that is definitely not resolved by reading the wiki.

  • Eh, it has a lot of powerful tools for computing stuff. Like today I wondered if I can download the songs from a playlist on YouTube, checked the wiki, and within 5 minutes I was doing it. It worked perfectly. The AUR also saves a lot of time building packages that aren’t available through pacman, which means they’re probably not available through other distros either. So you can definitely do more than just fiddle with the OS. But getting it working stable with Nvidia cards right now is like a full time job.