Close your eyes to feel it
Close your eyes to feel it
Thank you for sharing this tip! Very useful indeed
It was your 3rd bullet indeed as I explain above. Thanks
This! Thank you, this allowed me to find the culprit! It turns out I had an external disk failure some weeks ago, and a cron rsync job was writing in /mnt/thatdrive. When the externaldrive died rsync created a folder /mnt/thatdrive. Now that I replaced the drive, /mnt was disregarded by the disk analyser, but the folder was still there and indeed hidden by the mount… It is just a coincidence that it was half the size of /
du -hs /mnt/rootonly/* 0 /mnt/rootonly/bin 275M /mnt/rootonly/boot 12K /mnt/rootonly/dev 28M /mnt/rootonly/etc 4.0K /mnt/rootonly/home 0 /mnt/rootonly/initrd.img 0 /mnt/rootonly/initrd.img.old 0 /mnt/rootonly/lib 0 /mnt/rootonly/lib32 0 /mnt/rootonly/lib64 0 /mnt/rootonly/libx32 16K /mnt/rootonly/lost+found 24K /mnt/rootonly/media 30G /mnt/rootonly/mnt 773M /mnt/rootonly/opt 4.0K /mnt/rootonly/proc 113M /mnt/rootonly/root 4.0K /mnt/rootonly/run 0 /mnt/rootonly/sbin 4.0K /mnt/rootonly/srv 4.0K /mnt/rootonly/sys 272K /mnt/rootonly/tmp 12G /mnt/rootonly/usr 14G /mnt/rootonly/var 0 /mnt/rootonly/vmlinuz 0 /mnt/rootonly/vmlinuz.old
This option does not exist but I think -x replaces it (ie do not cross the boundaries of the filesystem, otherwise it does scan /home and /mnt)
sudo ncdu -x /
Nope (well better than df for the percentage, same as Gparted and lsblk) - thanks for this utility though
duf /
This one shows 88% full, which seems more like what Gparted shows. But still no clue why 2x28GB is shown
├─sda1 │ vfat FAT32 7DA7-E2FD 489.1M 4% /boot/efi ├─sda2 │ ext4 1.0 c3f96c3b-37d7-439d-abab-103714f5d047 4G 88% / ├─sda3 │ swap 1 swap 1f3122c8-f4ec-4596-a767-2126d8ff90d9
└─sda4 ext4 1.0 e80687d7-1bd3-43f1-b015-351745167ed1 421.7G 45% /home sdb
└─sdb1 ext4 1.0 WD4TB 7618535a-fdb0-411b-820e-cbc8878b6e4b 1.9T 43% /mnt/wwn-0 sdc ext4 1.0 Yotta 3c7eb93b-c2f7-4b13-b901-0d2729a5e3b4 15.7T 8% /mnt/Yotta
I wouldn’t know? But reboots do nothing
Plain ext4
Still waiting to see any consequence on simplemobiletools
Wouldn’t be the first to flip
We all started somewhere
He does a sudo face
Same happened to me on a WD black
You could try yunohost on the server side. (Not docker based and beginner friendly)
Someone to read your prompt
Someone who cares
I fully agree on the rabbit hole effect of learning linux and selfhosting on your own… I have been moving baby steps for 3 years because it’s rare to find even 2 hours in a week where I can do just that. Networking is just daunting to newbies imo
If you can afford and you want, the only argument I can put forward is less ewaste if you give a second life to the many very decent professional thinkpads that are retired every year. My employer is now going for a 5 year renewal cycle, used to be 3 for a long time. Unfortunately I couldn’t even buy back mine when it expired because it is a lease subcontract. It had an i5 7th gen and 32gb ram, was buttery smooth even running windows and I dreamt of running Linux on these.