Cuteness enjoyer.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Yes, I use vim :) The spacebar is basically split into four buttons. The rightmost one is actually space. The leftmost one is shift. This means I only need one shift key as I don’t need to alternate left and right shift. The keys with arrows on them are not actually arrow keys, I use arrow keys on a layer. The left one pointing right is enter when pressed and FN when held. the right one is is -_ when pressed and a layer key when held. All the the mods on the left work like that too: tab when pressed, mouse layer when held. 0 when pressed, superkey when held. Esc when pressed, ctrl when held.

  • I understand the end result you want to achieve, but what do you mean with “parse a rss reader through ffplay”? Parsing is taking in a string (text) and building some datastructure from it (like an AST). You can parse a rss feed (it’s XML) but I don’t get what parsing a rss reader is. Also “through ffplay”? You want ffplay to parse your rss for you? Or do you want to parse rss and than have ffplay somehow display the result (the news headlines taking from the feed)? ffplay displays videos and images (I use it as my only video player lol). If you want to render some text underneath a video stream I think you need ffmpeg first and than pipe the result into ffplay.

  • People usually use either their left or right thumb for space (some bring a finger down instead of using a thumb). Whatever side you are used to, you would keep space at in your split space layout. For me that is the right side. The other one is shift for me so it does also get a lot of use, but yes the right one gets used more frequently.

  • Yes, you can bind something to the other spacebar. Shift, a FN key, backspace, enter, a letter, whatever you want. Normally you would have 8 fingers on the alpha cluster (the letters) and use a thumb for space thus using 9 digits (before someone comes after me for calling thumbs fingers lol). By splitting the space you effectively gain the ability to type with all your digits by giving each thumb a separate key. You can also split the space in more than two keys. Personally I quite like two keys per thumb.

  • Speed of a package manager should never be a major concern nowadays.

    I would like to disagree with this. It’s not just updates. Sometimes I add and remove a bunch of packages back to back to test stuff out or check soft dependencies or pull/remove dependencies for projects I am checking out and compiling or switch between prepackaged/compiled versions. For example I was once testing the difference between wine and wine-stable-ubuntu in combination with winetricks installed/uninstalled. That is four configurations and you might visit each one more than once. I once saw a classmate use the fedora package manager in real life and I thought it was quite slow. I am happy with pacman, it really rips through packages which is convenient.

  • I tried fastfetch which was very fast, but didn’t work correctly for me. It told me I had 16 flatpaks installed, but I don’t even have flatpak! On another preset it gave the wrong number of pacman packages installed. The coloured bars also rendered with visible seams in between because it uses characters instead of colouring the background. It also didn’t show my terminal font at all. I can’t open issues because I didn’t bother to activate 2fa on my github account. I ended up writing a simple fetch for fun, it shows pacman and rust packages, learned a few things about terminal escape codes.