My meme/shitposting alt, other @Deebsters are available.

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2021


  • Yeah, that got old very quickly, although things like the old Reddit switcharoo* always got an upvote, but the original comment needed creativity and the stock reply needed to link the the previous example. It was cool that it was a different experience each time and that the network grew, occasionally branching, and had maintainers that made sure you could follow without hitting a deleted part dead end.

    * after half a year I had to use a search engine to get the name

    But here I wrote all of this, instead of just the word “This”

  • Deebster@lemmy.mltoLemmy@lemmy.mltime for POSSE: post once, share everywhere
    8 months ago

    This isn’t a Fediverse-specific topic, that I can see. This is something that’s fairly trivial to do - there’s already services that will post to multiple channels (“social media management tools” seems to be best search term). In these ten months you could have written one yourself!

    Also, the main point of POSSE seems to be that you control your own domain and space online, and everything else points back to that. That assumes that your main way of communicating is via publishing chunks of content, of course, which is patently not true. It also assumes that everyone’s way more technical than they are - plenty of people call their browser “the internet” and would glaze over the second you started talking about domain names, etc.

  • edit: This start bit is wrong; Lemmy does SSR so Javascript-free/spiders should see at least some comments.

    Lemmy is currently pretty terrible at SEO, in large part because the comments don’t load until the JS has run.

    This isn’t just a problem for search engines, it affect things like and offline reading. Earlier today I loaded a page from an instance that had dropped offline - while they had Cloudflare Always Online enabled, the page loaded without comments so it was almost useless.

    I think it’s a mistake to consider all the SEO-related concerns as irrelevant just because you don’t care about Google, etc. Most of the things necessary for good SEO are just good practices, with benefits for all users, especially in the areas of accessibility and third-party tools.

  • Absolutely, now is the time to fix a few things at the design level:

    • Accessibility (let’s get affected users involved, starting with asking for their feedback and current pain points)
    • Semantic markup (helps with a11y, SEO, plugins)
    • Internationalisation (had anyone thought about right-to-left language support?)
    • Usability (also for power users? E.g. make RES-style keyboard shortcuts an option or just the default)

  • I use screen still too, partly because it’s generally installed on everything already, like vim. I hardly ever use anything but a maximised (i.e. full-terminal) screen at once, so it doesn’t sound like I’m missing much from tmux.

    De/reattaching’s extremely useful and another thing I really like in screen is being able to scroll and search the scrollbuffer.

    If I was ready for an upgrade, I’d probably go for zellij.