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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • Doesn’t surprise me that a developer from Microsoft doesn’t understand this. To this day, when I select “Update and Shut Down” in Windows, it only actually shuts the computer down about half the time.

    There are some tasks that only can be done when the majority of the system is not in use. Windows prepares the files, reboots, does its thing in a preboot environment, then it actually shuts down.

    • apt will brick itself if it gets interrupted mid transaction with no clear recourse apart from a total reinstall, so try not to get greedy and Ctrl+C if it looks like dpkg is hung

    You can dpkg -r the package you tried to install then apt won’t complain about missing dependency packages for your app as it won’t be marked for to be installed

    trying to install any software that isn’t already packaged explicitly for Ubuntu is a nightmare because there is no equivalent of the AUR for people to push build steps to and you’re quite often left guessing what dependencies you need to install to get something to compile

    There isn’t a big global community repo per say like aur but anyone can host their own repos with PPAs, you just need to add them to your lists

    Most apt quirks are there with Debian too, not just an Ubuntu thing. The rest of the things you mentioned are fair.

  • Follow the Arch wiki. Just make sure that your distro has a hook for the package manager for signing the kernel. Eg. for Arch there’s the systemd-boot-pacman-hook aur package.
    It’s not hard to set it up with a LUKS-enabled system, just put the relevant kernel parameters in your /esp/loader/entries/entry.conf file.
    For example, here’s my arch.conf entry (with LVM on LUKS):

    title    Arch Linux
    linux   /vmlinuz-linux
    initrd  /intel-ucode.img
    initrd  /initramfs-linux.img
    options loglevel=2 quiet splash cryptdevice=PARTLABEL=partlabel-from-blkid:pvname root=/dev/mapper/rootlvname rw  

    If your keys are already enrolled, you can just use sbctl sign-all once, your package manager hook should do the rest.

    Overall, the general directory structure should look like this in the end (files omitted):

    ├── initramfs-linux-fallback.img
    ├── initramfs-linux.img
    ├── intel-ucode.img
    ├── loader
    │   ├── entries
    │   │   ├── arch.conf
    │   │   └── arch-fallback.conf
    │   ├── entries.srel
    │   ├── loader.conf
    │   └── random-seed
    └── vmlinuz-linux

  • Tumbleweed solves the first issue as well by running BTRFS by default on root with snapper configured. I’ve done a few rollbacks in the 3-4 years I’ve used it, and it’s way better than trying to fix an Arch system with pacman. I could get the same effect with Arch, but most users aren’t going to consider BTRFS or ZFS on root with Arch (I had BTRFS on /home on Arch, but that didn’t help much).

    What about LVM snapshots? I assume everyone sets up LVM nowadays anyway.

  • Reading the docs it feels close to markdown, but most markdown implementations have a much simpler format for code blocks with syntax specified:
    $var = “ooh, cool code, bro.”;

    Will turn into:

    $var = "ooh, cool code, bro.";  

    (Though lemmy-ui doesn’t seem to support syntax highlighting.)