Woooo yeah baby I love Discord
Woooo yeah baby I love Discord
Right, that’s probably what they do, but I’m wondering how they tag it after they select one. Apologies for the confusion
Glad they didn’t cancel it after that lol
Hell yeah
Now I’m curious, you know those gift spots where you can drop them off at like grocery stores and stuff to give to families in need? I wonder if the majority of those are labelled as from Santa, or from the parents? It’d be interesting to do a little survey.
They popularized it, but didn’t truly invent the classic depiction. Related fun fact, Santa used to commonly be green, and he looks pretty cool that way too!
After all, if they could stop believing in Santa–who is so similar to Jesus in every way–then they could stop believing in Jesus.
This is a laughably bad faith interpretation of the issue. Please, please leave this r/atheism exaggerated strawman rhetoric out of this website. I’m pretty sure most people on Lemmy are already atheist anyways.
Yeah, that’s basically saying “Can’t we just ignore the issue?”, which is easy if you’re the one who the issue isn’t affecting.
Pineapples are an affront to my deity since they are neither pine nor apples. Please delete your account immediately
I just use it to have a merry time with my family. Corporations try to co-opt everything; Christmas is no different. Is Pride about honoring greed and capitalism just because companies make everything rainbow? No, and neither is Christmas even though they try their best with that too. The only difference is buying gifts, but Christmas is about more than that, and homemade gifts are always an option.
I was like, why specify “one or more” and then make it optional? Isn’t that just .*?
Yes! Well said.
Literally required to do it by law of sanctions
DRY is usually helpful if you don’t use it in situations where you have like 2 semi-different things. If they’re actually the same and you have 3 or more then the level of abstraction is worth it almost always.
Unfortunately I’m still on windows, so [User]/Documents/Projects/*
Ah, didn’t know +? was lazy, thanks
Code that’s easy to extend generally encourages creating related code that’s easy to delete. These are very similar directives.
The capture group must be the same each time it repeats, so the number of characters stays the same. So X groups of Y characters = string of length X*Y. X and Y can be anything so any string length that can be made by multiplying two numbers-- which is every non-prime string length-- is matched. 0 and 1 are handled specially at the start.
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