I did the power measurement using a power meter. We also use natural gas for heating and don’t have any AC.
I did the power measurement using a power meter. We also use natural gas for heating and don’t have any AC.
I don’t think that’s your PC. I actually measured how much power my PC and my monitors consumed in a week and used that to calculate how much that would be for the year and compared to the total used energy for that year. My PC setup was only a small fraction of the yearly usage. The vast majority of your energy is gonna be consumed by things like fridges, ovens, heating, water pumps, etc.
Pretty sure they’re talking about making a distro, not forking the Linux kernel. I don’t see any reason why they would need to fork it anyway.
I use a refurbished 10tb HDD for my server too and it works just fine
Using the iGPU might save power but the resolution doesn’t need to be turned down for that
There’s a weird issue with VR on Linux where it doesn’t use the right GPU profile for some reason. A pretty easy workaround for that is to use CoreCTRL to manually set the GPU profile to high.
It should just work. You install SteamVR through Steam, start it and it should detect the headset.
Here are a few ideas on what could have gone wrong:
These are the 2 things I could think of off the the top of my head. If you know what exactly didn’t work I might be able to help you.
Edit: Forgot to add, you also need to install CoreCTRL and use it to set the GPU to high, otherwise performance is gonna be shit.
I’d be down to set that up. I thought VR just flat out doesn’t work with flatpak. Do you know where I can find out how to set it up?
Works perfectly fine, actually. I have a Valve Index. The only headsets with Linux support are the one I have, the HTC Vive and standalone headsets that work with ALVR (e.g. the Quest ones).
Only reason I haven’t done that is because of VR. Not sure if VR works through flatpak.
DNS should be working, I manually set the DNS server. I don’t really wanna install docker tho, I feel like that could cause other issues. If it only works in docker, that doesn’t really help me anyway, does it?
No, is that required?
Can’t you download FTB modpacks through Prism too?
There’s a lot of FOSS music apps that just use YTMusic, like ViMusic or the ones other people mentioned in their replies. For maps, I use Organic Maps, the only thing I feel like is missing from it is traffic jams but I think you can see why that would be hard to add. It does have features that Google Maps doesn’t have tho.
That would be nice but I’m gonna try if I can get it working by myself first. Haven’t tried it in quite a while, so maybe it works now for some reason.
I use an xbox one controller too and it just worked out of the box on Arch and Fedora
If you buy a used one, you can probably get it a good but cheaper as well
I think there’s also similar devices to a Raspberry Pi that are cheaper
Hab ich tatsächlich schon gemacht, aber iwie funktioniert das noch nicht ganz. Weil ich selber nicht rausfinden konnte warum, hab ich grad nen post gemacht wo ich nach Hilfe frage.
You could also wait a few weeks or months and then put the latest version of the distro you’d prefer on your USB stick and just boot from it to see if your issues have been fixed