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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • GoodEye8@lemm.eetoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlLemmy today
    1 month ago

    Online casinos are also tech. The devops in the article literally says they set up proxies to continue operating in countries where their main domain is blocked. I know the core domain of casinos are very regulated, but I doubt the entire tech aspect of online casinos are regulated. I imagine there’s plenty of fuckery to do there.

    Also casinos will throw out people who benefit too much at the expense of the casino. The casino benefitted too much at the expense of Cloudflare and refused to share the profits, so Cloudflare did what any casino would do and kicked them out.

  • You’re not the only user. Other people may benefit even if you personally don’t. Getting software you don’t want is a compromise for getting an easy out the box installation that comes with what you want already pre-installed.

    If you want a more personalized approach there’s always forking a distro and customizing it so that it suits your needs (which is how Nobara came into being).

  • But I’m that case if Linux gets 1 new user and windows gets 10 then proportionally Linux usage would decrease despite the absolute number increasing.

    I would argue the absolute number is meaningless because without context that number has no value. If I tell you there are 3.4 million Linux desktop users does that number actually tell you anything? Not really. You don’t even know if it’s a lot or not because you have no frame of reference. 4% already has that frame built in and gives you an indication how Linux stacks up to other desktop OSs.

  • I don’t get why people find that funny, he’s absolutely right. It’s gotten better but Linux is still requiring a lot more tinkering compared to Windows, and mainstream doesn’t do tinkering. Let me give some examples as well.

    I have windows and fedora dual booted. I also have 4 physical drives in the PC, 1 for windows, 1 for Linux and then 2 separate drives to keep windows data and Linux data. If I do a clean install of windows and want to play steam games all I need to do is let windows update run, install steam, direct steam to access the downloaded games on my secondary drive and the rest is “Steam magic”. If I do a clean install of Fedora and I want to play Steam I have to do system update, then manually install graphics drivers, then install steam, then mount the secondary drive then direct to steam to the secondary drive and the rest is “Steam magic”. If I don’t want to do the last two steps again, because Fedora doesn’t automount secondary drives, I need to also set up automounting by messing with the terminal and confog files. Honestly, you lost the mainstream gamer the moment they had to manually install graphics card drivers (because you need to do it through a terminal).

    Another less important example, but one I still found funny, is when I wanted to make a new distro installer. I’ve used balena etcher to flash my stick on Windows, but I didn’t want to reboot into It Windows so I installed it on Fedora, downloaded the image I wanted to flash, started balena and added the file. I get some header error. I didn’t feel like troubleshooting so I reboot into Windows, download the exact same image, started balena and added the file. No errors and I could flash without any issues. Same file and (in theory) same software but it works on Windows and doesn’t work on Linux.

    And of course there’s the Nvidia cards sucking thing, which is not at all suitable for mainstream considering almost 80% of steam users are using Nvidia cards. I get that’s almost entirely Nvidias fault but it’s still an issue with Linux. When your entire system black screens as KDE plasma is booting up even an above average user is not going to know how to troubleshoot that.

  • I think it depends. I’ve had a non-technical PM and he was great. He knew he knew nothing about development and as such did what great managers do, create an environment where we could work as efficiently as we could. If we said it takes X amount of time he wouldn’t try to squeeze out a faster deadline, he’d report “it will take X amount of time”. If we said it’s unreasonably to take feature Y in he’d say we’re not going to take feature Y in.

    IMO it’s much harder with PMs who did some development 20 years ago and “know how things are done”. The ones with some technical knowledge almost always butt in.

  • My experience has been that it’s often not the team that’s the problem, it’s the management. I’ve seen a team full of talented developers who know how to successfully launch, only to barely get anything done because management keeps reprioritizing everything. It seems in OPs case the org itself might be the issue. Even if they move to a team where the PO actually does their job instead of letting the MVP balloon the team keeps fighting business just to deliver something.

    If I was OP I’d probably look for a job in a different company.

  • It’s so weird. The company I was working at earlier this year went bankrupt so I had to find a new job. I did a lot of interviews and ultimately the one that made an offer and I accepted was the one that had one interview. They took a look at my previous experience, did one test exercise to verify my expertise and then made an offer that I accepted. But for that one offwr I had a lot of interviews at other places where it came down to me missing “it” whatever “it” was. It all felt pretty demoralizing and I ended up spending more time maintaining a healthy mindset, to not become like the author, than I did searching for a job.

    My favorite hiring was a company that had me do a recruiter interview after a recruiter had already recommended me (why?). Then I got a poorly worded practice exercise that they refused to elaborate. After that I had a team interview and after it a HR interview (yes, in that order). I would’ve had two more interviews with the head of the dept and one more with some suit. All that for a position that wage-wise was just above entry level and well below my paygrade. I pretty much grilled them on the last meeting for having such a long and stupid hiring process because out of all their hiring processes no other process had wasted my time as much as this.

  • At no point did I say I want all instances to defederate threads. I would be happy if all instances did but nobody can force all instances to defederate a specific instance. What I did I say is that if all instances do choose to defederate Threads then you can make you own instance and choose not to defederate Threads. As I just said, nobody can force you to defederate Threads from your instance. Does it make sense now?

  • But most Twitter/Reddit exiles want/need a bigger network for the breadth and depth of content they got from those sites. Universal defederation does nothing but hand those users (and their data) to Meta.

    And? If they want to run from one corporate overlord to another that’s their own prerogative. Most people here are here because they’ve had it with corporations fucking them. The people here don’t need to compromise their worldview for the people who are either indifferent or opposing of their worldview.

    I want to get Meta’s data without giving them my data. If there are no instances that allow me to do that, I will cry.

    If you care so deeply about it there’s a fairly simple solution, make your own instance of Lemmy and don’t defederate Threads. If you feel like others also need to have that option make your instance open.