• 1 Post
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 30th, 2023


  • most people I have dealt with can’t even get on the internet if the browser icon moves a few spaces over. regular settinngs menus are out of the question for them, let alone an extra program for settings with names that don’t reflect their purpose in a laymans eyes. On the other hand I have had pretty decent success telling people to press win+x, release the keys, press a or whatever for cmd/powershell then copy paste a one liner, assuming a cmd/powershell command is available for the issue. or making a registry file they can double click.

  • no, one drive is Microsoft’s thing that they keep bringing back each update that you have to remove again so you don’t have a permanent notification.

    joking aside though, what? I have 2 nvme, 1 sata ssd, and 5 spinning drives on bazzite.

    edit: I see you mean the home directories on separate drives, which I have indeed not tested, nor have I used that setup in about a decade now so I dont know what issues could come up.

  • I think its an outdated recommendation. They keep making weird choices and one of only two friends that was willing to try Linux went and tried Ubuntu without my input and decided to go back to windows for a bunch of mostly mundane reasons that could have either been configured away or been preempted by using a different distro. The other guy will be back but on bazzite after trying my steam deck he only left for shitty rootkit anticheat games that he’s now sick of. He started on one of the arch easy install methods and was already a power user on both windows and Mac.

  • Its probably more the things like when you happen to update in one of those times where the package manager has nvidia modules built for a different kernel version than what you just updated to. Sure you can use dkms but its often not the default, and not everyone can figure out what to do when they reboot and it hangs before reaching desktop. I know someone who decided they hated Linux in general after this.

    Probably these days a new user wanting mainly Linux gaming with minimal tinkering could just use something like the bazzite nvidia image and never have any issues and if the open source driver ever reaches parity with the proprietary one it will probably just be swapped in and work in an update. Other distros as long as the maintainers aren’t dumbfucks it should also be fine. In the early days of nvidia on linux Ubuntu fucked me up the ass a few times before I learned about using dkms for nvidia drivers or dkms at all really.

  • Grass@sh.itjust.workstoLinux@lemmy.mlLinux for Kids?
    2 months ago

    What does your wife have against linux? All the porn pop up viruses are on windows, and getting your kid on apple is setting them up to be in credit card debt for the rest of their lives.

    Even my senile ass grandparents use Linux and they don’t complain about every little thing like they did with windows. My dad wanted a Mac but free so after hackintosh being too much learning curve for him I used some random Mac inspired configs from the internet for one of the Linux DEs that I’ve never personally used, also no more babysitting and virus induced full wipes.

    Parental controls I would do at the router level because eventually kids will surpass you in computer skills. Or maybe they won’t because of seo and ai articles taking over the web.

  • Dunno about him, but for me I forget to update it and then when I remember it can’t update because its so out of date it cant resolve something or other, and I end up having to just reinstall the latest version and jump through hoops to get the users files to show up, and then one time before as well as the most recent one that made me give up database problems occurred and I don’t know how to database.

  • Grass@sh.itjust.workstoOpen Source@lemmy.mlOpen source e reader
    2 months ago

    What are you even talking about? I was referring to open book reader which others already mentioned which should have been easy enough to realize by PCB sandwich. Unless things have developed significantly since I last checked in on the project it does not take epub as is and needs to be txt (got auto corrected to text in previous post).

  • Grass@sh.itjust.workstoOpen Source@lemmy.mlKrita FTW
    3 months ago

    I remember when Photoshop was just that program you used to take aa picture of a boat and a picture of a road and combine them to make a boat sailing through concrete, then you show it to mom and she goes “oh that’s meet sweetie” then you show it to grandpa and he gets all like “HOLY FUCK THATS AMAZING!!!”

    Now when people make amazing artwork on one software but then somehow can’t find the equivalency or accept the different scope on others and give them bad reviews

    I really like krita though and I use it with one of the cheaper huion tablets for when I want to draw dumb shit like genetalia monsters or ideas for welding projects.