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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023

  • I don’t understand why Cloudflare gets bashed so much over this… EVERY CDN out there does exactly the same thing. It’s how CDN’s work. Whether it’s Akamai, AWS, Google Cloud CDN, Fastly, Microsoft Azure CDN, or some other provider, they all do the same thing. In order to operate properly they need access to unencrypted content so that they can determine how to cache it properly and serve it from those caches instead of always going back to your origin server.

    My employer uses both Akamai and AWS, and we’re well aware of this fact and what it means.

  • Our house has 5 heating & 2 AC zones that I installed Ecobee thermostats on. Three rooms also have skylights that can be opened. When we open the skylights the thermostats all turn off, and when closed they turn them back on to the mode they were previously set to.

    Our house is set back in the woods on a long driveway. When either me or my wife arrives home after dark all the driveway / walkway lights turn on. And when we’re both away they all turn off.

    I also have a “bedtime” button on my phone that turns off all the lights, locks the doors, turns off our WiFi speakers, puts all the Ecobees into sleep mode, etc.

  • The company I work for probably doesn’t see as much traffic as Reddit, but we provide services via the web in the US and roughly 15 other countries. We make use of Akamai for CDN, security, etc. and one of the things they do is provide us with raw logs of every request made to our sites. That generates a lot of data that we feed into Splunk for analysis, debugging, etc.

    One of the nicer things Akamai does in their logs is to classify if they believe the request came from a bot, and if so then what bot it was. They are able to identify over 1000 individual bots, and can also detect traffic from new/unknown bots. There is a LOT of bot activity on the internet these days, and many originate from cloud providers like AWS, where it’s clear it’s a machine making the request and not a human.

    If we had a legal request for logs I’d have to look at the data to see how to respond. If Akamai showed a lot of bot activity from consumer ISP IPs then I’d likely include that data in an effort to show that end users may be victims of botnets. But if bot activity was mostly originating from cloud providers etc. then I probably wouldn’t include it. Let the lawyers try to figure out from the raw data what traffic originated from humans vs bots.

  • It’s been roughly 20 years now but my employer at the time had a number of servers that started having odd drive failures at similar times. Long story short we eventually discovered that it was the power supplies that were starting to fail.

    These servers had something like 6 hard drives in them, and while troubleshooting we started seeing a pattern where any 5 would work, but as soon as the 6th was reconnected then drives would randomly fail. We eventually replaced the power supply and all 6 drives were happy again.

  • Exactly. 25 years ago I helped manage a Sun cluster. 20 years ago I was on a team that managed roughly 3000 Linux servers in a data center. We racked them, monitored them, wrote tools to configure & manage them, etc. Ten years ago I helped manage Linux systems that were physically managed by a hosting provider, and we never actually saw/touched any of the hardware.

    Today I help manage hundreds of AWS instances and also use tools/services from providers like Splunk, Akamai, and others. I haven’t seen/touched a physical server in years. It’s now all virtually managed via web portals, API’s, tools like terraform, etc.

  • 10 years ago I worked at a university that had a couple people doing research on LHC data. I forget the specifics but there is a global tiered system for replication of data coming from the LHC so that researchers all around the world can access it.

    I probably don’t have it right, but as I recall, raw data is replicated from the LHC to two or three other locations (tier 1). The raw data contains a lot of uninteresting data (think a DVR/VCR recording a blank TV image) so those tier 1 locations analyze the data and removes all that unneeded data. This version of the data is then replicated to a dozen or so tier 2 locations. Lots of researchers have access to HPC clusters at those tier 2 locations in order to analyze that data. I believe tier 2 could even request chunks of data from tier 1 that wasn’t originally replicated in the event a researcher had a hunch there might actually be something interesting in the “blank” data that had originally been scrubbed.

    The university where I worked had its own HPC cluster that was considered tier 3. It could replicate chunks of data from tier 2 on demand in order to analyze it locally. The way it was mostly used was our researchers would use tier 2 to do some high level analysis, and when they found something interesting they would use the tier 3 cluster to do more detailed analysis. This way they could throw a significant amount of our universities HPC resources at targeted data rather than competing with hundreds of other researchers all trying to do the same thing on the tier 2 clusters.

  • I can’t agree more with regards to career development. When I graduated from college way back in 1990 I wanted to do software development. It took me six months of job hunting that resulted in only 5 interviews and a single job offer to do telephone tech support for a business products software company.

    I spent two years doing tech support and used that time to learn the internals of the product and even wrote some programs in C that demonstrated some of our platforms integrations for our business clients. I was eventually noticed by a couple senior software engineers who started mentoring me and helped me move from tech support to software development full time.

    After a decade or so of software development I transitioned into a DevOps role in a similar manner - started doing some of that sort of work on my own, got noticed, then encouraged to change roles. I’ve been doing that for close to 20 years and am very happy where I am now.