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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • From a legal standpoint, I sort of get it. One risk of the fediverse is that data is cached locally from federated servers. That could put server owners in legal jeopardy for hosting illegal content. However, if the server is actively moderated and owners respond responsibly to take down requests, they should be okay - in the US at least, and assuming current protections for service providers remain intact.

    I think a good option (if technically feasible) could be to have the choice to de-cache communities or servers that are questionable and make it so that data is transmitted live from the federated server when requested by a client. That would add load to both the local and federated servers though, especially if volume is high.

  • Comments can also be useful for explaining what the code is intended to do when debugging.

    “Hey this function says it should return the number of apples, but looks like someone, not saying who, but someone had a brain fart and typed oranges in one variable. Who wrote this code anyway?”

    -Last edited by JonEFive in 2021-

    Past me sucks.

  • Know your school handbook and acceptable use policy inside and out. Same with any other published guidelines they provide. My bet is that their AUP says something about not circumventing their security and monitoring tools. Booting into a live OS would certainly fall into that category. But knowing what the rules actually say is probably the first thing you should do since you don’t own the hardware or network. From there, you can decide how far you really want to go and if there are any defenses or loopholes in the rules.

    Getting your own hardware is probably your best option in this case if you can do so.