I’ve had the opposite experience with the cube, but I use Zigbee2MQTT so I’m maybe that made the difference.
It’s a fantastic concept and I think everyone should buy one just because it’s so cool and so fucking useless at the same time.
So you have turn like a knob function, then changing sides, a knock knock, a slide and a drop sensor.
I programmed the drop sensor to toggle my room lights then showed a bunch of 40+ year old kids, who had great fun for a full 5 minutes playing epileptic catch.
The problem is that it has all these functions, but you only know what they are because you spent the time programming them. So it’s fucking useless to anyone else, and by the time you’ve set the thing down you’ve forgotten what you set it to do yourself.
I’ve had the turn like a knob set to brighten and dim my lights, then decided it should control the volume on the speaker when it’s playing music too, which lead to a little project in node red. But nobody else in the house even knows that’s what it does.
I should stop this wall of text, get one, it’s useless!
I’m gonna assume you’re not using Home Assistant yet.
There is an app for Home Assistant but from your comment I’m assuming you’re talking about something like Smart Life.
Home Assistant takes all these different companies and creates a central hub for them all. So we have Hue bulbs and Nest cameras all talking to each other via Home Assistant.
If you’re already using Home Assistant then disregard and have look into PIR and Mm Wave sensor.
I’ve moved up a level and recently made a bed sensor.