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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I’ve had a look into it, and it doesn’t work if you try to do it mathmatically. You always need more than 3 gos on the seesaw.

    There is a solution in the replies to my original comment that is the actual solution, and it works every time and is much simpler than any grouping method.

    It involves assigning a letter to each person and then aligning that with a grid of positions “left” or “right” or “none” on the seesaw. Over the three rounds. So, person A is on the right all three rounds person b is on the right for 2 rounds then on the left for the 3rd round.

    You end up with a list of 12 patterns that do not repeat or mirror any other pattern like “LLL” “LLR” “LRR” “LR-” etc. Then you do all three rounds and compare the position the seesaw was in with those patterns.

    If the seesaw was down on the left 2 times the down on the right the third time then you look for which person had that pattern in this case it was person B. So they are the one with a different weight and they were heavier.

    Equally, if the opposite pattern occurred. It was down on the right 2 times, then down on the left for round, then that is the opposite pattern of person B and does not occur anywhere else, so it was person B, and they were lighter.

    person:  A B C D E F G H I J K L
    round 1: L L L L R R R R — — — -
    round 2: L L R R R — — — L R L -
    round 3: L R R — — L R — L L — R

  • Its CIDR notation. So /0 means the subnet mask has no on bits and would read as 0.0.0 0 if you had a /1 that turns 1 bit on in the subnet mask, so it would be

    If i had a /24 which is the subnet mask used for most small networks like your home router. There would be 255 minus 2 addresses available for clients (phones, pcs etc) so the subnet mask would have 24 on bits and read, which you may be familiar with.

    (Assuming you dont know much, not to insult you, you might know plenty), but when writing any kind of instructions or guides, i was always told to assume the reader knows absolutely nothing and miss nothing out.

  • Remember, when we abbreviate an ipv6 address all leading zeros are reduced to a single 0.


    0003 would just become 03

    When there are geoups of 4 zeros these can be represented as a single 0 or as a double colon ::

    But we can only use the :: once so when summarizing an address containing multiple groups of 4 0s one after the other they can all be abbreviated to a single ::


    fe80:0000:0000:0000:0210:5aff:feaa:20a2 would become fe80::210:5aff:feaa:20a2

    Therefore it is perfectly valid to abbreviate an address of 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 /0 to just ::/0

  • Now that i think about it, i think it was an activation issue. I had a dodgey made legal copy of windows 10 when they offered the free upgrade to even those with illegal copies of windows, but when i moved it, i needed to activate and didn’t know the key.

    But two replies offering different bits of advice to my comment shows that at least in part its true that this is not straightforward

  • We use both. Its not my department but i know the server guys are using windows for some servers and linux for others and the decision is normally made based on which is going to be best for the specific needs of the function of that server.

    Pretending one is outright better than the other is childish. Just use whats best at the time.