Spaceman Spiff

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Breitbart on the mainstream, centrist posts. Most of it’s way further out there. I have no idea which ones are inauthentic shitposts and which ones are legit. They are way beyond Poe’s Law.

    But more important is when they show up on other instances. Everything becomes an argument, dragging down everyone and everything they encounter. This also can’t be solved by just blocking the communities on EH, it must be blocked at the community’s instance or our (the viewer’s) home instance.

  • Possibly. I’m not entirely sure how to interpret that part.

    One plausible scenario is that they brought in a consultant, who said their data would be worth $XXXX on the open market. A common element of MBA thinking is that any potential profits are something you are entitled to, regardless of the consequences. It’s also pretty clear they don’t have a mature management team, or a viable path to realize those profits. But they had to stop someone else from getting it, so there was a rushed decision. I don’t quite know how it coincided with killing 3rd party apps, though, unless it was just more really incompetent management.

  • Most of what you said is valid and correct, but very little of it is a reason to stay on Reddit. Rather, those are deficiencies in Lemmy that should be addressed (and to be fair, most are in progress) in the code.

    I do feel the need to point out that your first point is off the mark. In a way, due to federation, there are no admins. But in another, there are tons of them, with a team on each instance.

    As for your second point, the very point of killing that sub (and similar actions on countless other subs) is to fight back against those singular admins of the first point. But at some point, these actions will stop organically. It could be on 7/1, it could be months from now. It could even be when there’s a mutiny, or Reddit replaces the mods with scabs. But it will end, and a lot of people will already be gone permanently.

  • Yes. I still don’t quite understand how moderating works with federation (and critically, defederation). The advice of “Pick an instance that aligns with your values” is the most WTF advice I’ve ever seen when signing up for a site. Even worse is the conflicting advice that it didn’t matter since they all talk to each other, then followed by a warning that you have to choose an instance that will talk to your communities.

    As bad as it was, at least the advice of “Go to and sign up” was simple and direct, and most people could follow that without getting overwhelmed or confused

  • The more niche your interest, the slower it will be to build content. Certainly the most popular communities are already overflowing with content, while others have no home yet. But it’s all growing, and quickly. When LemmyNsfw launched, the only communities were the very obvious and popular ones. Those are now filled with a bunch of content, and more coming in constantly. But what’s more interesting is some of the more…ahem niche communities that have sprung up there, and are now showing signs of life.

    There are sites like that can help you find where your content has moved. Not all of them are in the fediverse, either. But you may need to lump some of it into broader categories until interest grows. For instance, emulation might be covered under piracy, or one of the other subs on FMHY or DBZero. It won’t be exact, but it might be close enough.

    You can also start your own community if you think there will be interest. Just be sure to prime the pump with some content right away to bring people in.