• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • I didn’t downvote it, but I really didn’t like the video. It goes like “the things that are problems in Linux” and then starts talking about an extremely customized system, from DE to kernel, to audio…

    I don’t think he gets, in general at least, to explain why those are needed, just how complex it all is. It would have been more interesting to say “this are the problems with an out of the box distro, and the hurdles it took me go fix each one”.

    Mind you, this doesn’t mean I think a fresh install of Ubuntu can perfectly work for him. But knowing what didn’t work and why might be more helpful for people considering the same

  • What on earth are you taking about?? I’m telling you that “no money = Linux” is a bad argument and you come back with a drug fueled conspiracy theory.

    I’m not even giving an argument, I’m telling you you have no argument. You’re the one that should be explaining your theory.

    Dude, chill a bit. Take some fresh air and stay away from sharp objects.

  • India is not the most financially constrained country in the world by far. If the explanation was just that, we would see a very direct correlation with the rest of the countries that are similarly constrained.

    Now, if instead of making rethoric questions you could maybe offer some arguments you would definitely be more helpful.