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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • Several years ago I had a significant hardware failure and was without a PC for longer than I care to admit. When I finally rebuilt it, Windows wouldn’t activate. So I nuked it and haven’t looked back. It’s not the first time I installed Linux. But it has been my daily driver since. Now I only use Windows for work, and Linux even there whenever I can (which isn’t often, but sometimes anyway.)

  • But the constant criticism of these new users posting in this community makes for a pretty unwelcoming community. If we want Linux’s market share to grow and become more relevant to the average user, and we really should, then we need to be a welcoming community that encourages new users. Not a community that is hostile to new users. The good news is that it seems the majority of users here aren’t complaining. But the complaint posts have been increasing it seems, and I’d personally like to see that stop.

    Instead of complaining, if you don’t like a post downvote and move on.

  • while I was writing this comment I came across this: LinVAM which sounds like exactly what you are looking for. But, if that doesn’t work out for you here’s what I was originally writing:

    Voice Attack may fit your needs.


    • it’s not Linux native.
    • It’s not free.

    However, my research does suggest that it works in Linux via proton/wine, and so it may serve your needs since what you’ve described is basically exactly that software’s whole purpose. It’s popular for adding voice control to games by mapping voice commands to game controls.

  • That’s really only native compiled languages. Many popular languages, such as C#, Java, etc. Lie somewhere in between. They get compiled to intermediary byte code and only go native as the very final step when running. They run in a runtime environment that handles that final step to execute the code natively. For .NET languages that’s the CLR (Common Language Runtime).

    For .Net the process goes like this:

    • You write the code
    • Code is compiled to MSIL
    • At runtime when the MSIL is executing a JIT (just-in-time) compiler translates the MSIL into native code.
    • The native code is executed.

    Java has a similar process that runs on the JVM. This includes many, many languages that run on the JVM.

    JavaScript in the browser goes through a similar process these days without the intermediary byte code. Correction, JS in modern browsers also follow this process almost exactly. a JIT compiler compiles to bytecode which is then executed by the browser’s JS engine. Historically JS has been entirely interpreted but that’s no longer the case. Pure interpreted languages are pretty few and far between. Most we think of as interpreted are actually compiled, but transparently as far as the dev is concerned.

    Last, but certainly not least, Python is also a compiled language, it’s just usually transparent to the developer. When you execute a python program, the python compiler also produces an intermediary bytecode that is then executed by the python runtime.

    All that being said, I welcome any corrections or clarifications to what I’ve written.

  • I’m currently using KDE Plasma with i3. I like it fine. I love i3, and KDE works to tie everything together and add consistency for theming. Previously I was using i3 on XFCE, that was easier to set up. Plasma tends to require special configuration to make it play nice with i3, but once you’re over that hump it makes for a pretty decent combination.

  • That’s not true these days. You can try it yourself right in your browser’s dev console.

    These results are from Firefox’s console.

    0 == null == undefined
    > false
    0 == null
    > false
    0 == undefined
    > false
    null == undefined
    > true
    null === undefined
    > false

    And even in the one case where == says they are the same, you can fix that by making sure you are using === so that it doesn’t do type coercion for the comparison.