• 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: April 27th, 2023


  • Honestly, it’s very reasonable and even responsible to wait a bit (a week or two perhaps) before using a new version, especially given that 0.19.5 came swiftly after 0.19.4 due to some bugs. And of course anyone running a fediverse instance is a volunteer so it’s probably not reasonable to put deadlines or pressure on themselves. But I won’t speak for the admins on programming.dev and of course asking is perfectly fine, just don’t expect an answer :)

  • Yes Firefox, yes NVMe. No, there is no IO happening and again, sitting at relatively low memory usage. I was not running anything else than the compiler, my editor and Firefox. I’m fairly confident the CPU usage is the culprit as memory usage is not severely affected and disk usage by the compiler should be pretty minimal (and I don’t see how disk usage would make Firefox slow if there’s still plenty of RAM available).

    Neither KDE nor Gnome is peak Desktop Linux experience. Ubuntu and its flavors is not peak distro experience either.

    If you want to try Desktop Linux for real, you will need to dip your toes a little bit deeper.

    I’ve heard much of the opposite - KDE is touted as an easy-to-use desktop and Ubuntu is largely a popular “just works” distro. And honestly that has been my primary experience. Mostly everything works, but there are some hiccups here and there like the problem I posted about in this thread.

    What alternative would you suggest?

  • That’s all fine, but as I said, Windows seems to handle this situation without a hitch. Why can Windows do it when Linux can’t?

    Also, it sounds like you suggest there is a tradeoff between bandwidth and responsiveness. That sounds reasonable. But shouldn’t Linux then allow me to easily decide where I want that tradeoff to lie? Currently I only have workarounds. Why isn’t there some setting somewhere to say “Yes, please prioritise responsiveness even if it reduces bandwidth a little bit”. And that probably ought to be the default setting. I don’t think a responsive UI should be questioned - that should just be a given.

  • Rust is simpler than Go or Python when a system scales.

    A program with 1000 lines will be simplest in Python because it’s just 1000 lines right? Doesn’t matter.

    A program with 1000000 lines will be much easier and simpler to work with in Rust than in Python or Go. The static analysis and the guarantees that the compiler provides suddenly apply to a much larger piece of code, making it more valuable.

    Python offloads type checking to the programmer, meaning that’s cognitive space you gotta use instead of the compiler. Go does the same with error handling and for inexplicable reasons use the billion dollar mistake even though it’s a relatively modern language.

    It is in this way that Rust is simpler than Go and Python. Also, because a system is likely to grow to a larger size over time in a corporate setting, Rust should be preferred in your professional workplace rather than Python or Go. That’s my take on it.

    Honestly, Go is a weird language. It’s so… “basic”. It doesn’t really provide anything new that other languages haven’t done already, perhaps aside from fast static compilation. If it wasn’t because Google was pushing it, I don’t believe Go would ever have become as popular as it is.