• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Started picking away at these - so far Conquering Dystopia is my favorite!

    Also I’m an idiot and can’t remember which ones I clicked on prior to school turning up to 11 (accelerated Anatomy & Physiology II… that class was fucking insane, but now it’s dooooone!!! That was the last of my prereqs: nursing school up next!) so I’m just starting from the top. Gonna sort through these one post at a time, and add the links / a personal score to the OP.

    Can’t overstate how much I appreciate all the links you’ve given!

  • Wanted to check in since you’ve put so much work into your responses (you are straight up my hero!) - I’m a week out from wrapping up a class that’s kicking my ass, then I’ll actually get some free time again! I haven’t played many of these quite yet cuz I don’t want to just use my crappy car speakers on the way to or from work or have to listen to it in the background when I’m focusing mostly on something else.

    The posts in this thread - especially yours - are going to get my full attention.

    So, probably another week of radio silence, then I’ll be blowing up your inbox. :P

  • These comments are going to take a lot of time to unpack, but dude I feel like a kid on christmas morning!

    Check out The Dear Hunter. Not metal at all but they fit into a lot of this in ways that’ll surprise you.

    Will do! Not familiar with Dear Hunter (yet!) but “not metal” is far from a deal breaker - when I don’t have metal on, I’m usually listening to shit like this which I’ve taken to just calling “cinematic” cuz it sounds like something from a movie, but no idea what genre it would actually fall under; or some Lindsey Stirling if I’m shooting for something a little lighter.

    But yeah, your list has been a 100% hit so far; I pulled up The Dear Hunter before I started typing this post, and the one song I’ve heard so far actually lines up perfectly with another music rabbit hole I’ve been poking around in lately with things like the Kongos. Would never have sought out that kind of music on my own, but a surgeon recently had our nurse play it in surgery a few days ago, and it was great lol (I’m a surgical tech, which is the rock-bottom-of-the-barrel in the OR, so we generally just listen to whatever the nurses or doctors want… which, at my hospital usually means country -_-).

    My taste in music seems to be copy-paste of yours so far lol, so I’m down to try anything you care to throw at me, metal or not!