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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I have not used either, but I can say that Krita’s UI is closer to Photoshop than GIMP’s appears to be. That might be why people are opting for that application, for the sense of familiarity if they were trained on Photoshop.

    I will say that any application which is used for digital painting should also be good at image manipulation, so if Krita does both well, I can see why it would be preferred over GIMP if the painting tools are lacking.

    Looking over the screenshots, for GIMP, I am hoping that is not the default layout of tools. Having a jumbled block of icons is a lot harder to visually parse than a stack of pairs. I also find myself wondering why they use up so much space on the left to include a weird cutout of their mascot above the tools.

    On the right, I am also not sure why the layer thumbnails are pushed so far to the right when they could be immediately adjacent to the visibility toggle.

    It doesn’t look terrible to me, but I am not surprised that people using an app for visual design might be more critical of design flaws in the app itself.

  • The app is practically begging to use Monet color theming like other Google apps and I have no idea why it doesn’t.

    On top of that, while I don’t entirely dislike the new UI, it’s now inconsistent. When you log food, it still uses the old layout, which just makes it feel jarring to go from one theme to the other.

    And while they’re making tweaks to their UI, they still haven’t addressed some really basic shortcomings. If you log a meal on the wrong day, you can’t just move it to the correct day. You have to delete it and re-add it. The “recent” meal list keeps meals at the top that you may not have had in months. And if you accidentally add a meal on a future date (why that’s even possible is beyond me), there is no way to access it to remove it until that date arrives.

  • Adobe is the one for me. They implemented subscription models, mandatory cloud integration, and spyware just to bleed as much money as they can from their captive consumer base. But the one thing they simply won’t do is make their products competitively priced. They set up their industry stranglehold and now they’re going to milk it for all it’s worth.

    There are people who bought Photoshop back before the subscription model who cannot access it today, now that the DRM servers validating their authenticity were taken down with the move to Creative Cloud.

    But pirates still have access.