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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • McAfee Antivirus.
    Got so tired of the software slowing down the computer and freaking out over non-virus programs. Also the price to renew was stupid.
    No need for AV running 24/7 on Linux.
    After using a few different distros over a couple of years I decided to never go back to Windows (and I detest Apple so that will never be an option), and I settled on Kubuntu.
    So. Damn. Happy.

  • This is exactly what I did. Download a bunch of iso images and use a USB thumb drive or burn them to disc.
    If using thumb drives, make sure you delete all hidden files when burning a different Distro to it so it’s clean.

    I would suggest going to https://distrowatch.com/ to read about the types of OS on offer.

    Think of it as,
    Linux is a car,
    Distros (Distributions) are the manufacturer (Toyota, Ford, Kia, Audi) and
    the DE (Desktop Environment) is the model line (Prius, F150, Sorento, A6).

    You need to choose a Distro and a DE.

    Distros to check out, Mint, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Pop!_OS, Fedora, OpenSUSE. This will give you a variety to test a “live disc”, no need to install right now.

    DE’s to test, KDE, Gnome, Mate, Unity, Cinnamon.

    Most Distros are completely re-installed 2x a year with April and September being the release months.
    You can find LTS (Long Term Support) versions of many Distros. These are installed once and updated regularly for 3-5 years.
    And lastly there are Rolling Distros that are installed and updated in perpetuity.

    I personally settled on Kubuntu LTS. It’s a KDE (Plasma desktop). It’s very easy to customize when you get a little experience, but not necessary to customize at all. I’ve been using this for over 12+ years.

    Play around with some Distros, take some notes on what you like. You can dual install with Windows if you want/need to.
    And remember, Live discs (USB) are just a testing ground, changing settings will not save if you test the same Distro again.
    Always choose the “Try” or “Live” option in the boot menu and it won’t mess up your computer.

    And backup your current data before doing any of this. Better safe than sorry.