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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023

  • There is a flatpak zoom app. I guess it can be sandboxes somehow. It would most likely not pose any privacy threat outside of zoom.

    But keep in mind that zoom got into it’s privacy policy, that they can record and use for ai anything you do and say during a meeting (if you didn’t allow access to the desktop during the meeting, zoom shouldn’t be able to record it, so most likely won’t matter for that, only what you send through their servers).

  • Do you have lots of cash to support the copyright and maintenance fees? The Web archive (I think, or another similar website) got sued for having knowledge and book contents on their website. You can’t just publish hacked books.

    Most likely you would need a way to generate money for a “business”.

    There would be some ways like advertising (can be OK, but not always the best, it depends on how many adds, how scummy ads, and how much tracking/data selling).

    Donations? = pretty much no expected revenue. The amount of revenue you can get is very low.

    Paid features, but what features could be paid while keeping free access?

  • Tibert@compuverse.uktoLinux@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    10 months ago

    The article only talks about deployment costs. What about the rest?

    For you a company should just throw away it’s employees to hire inexistent Linux experts or people using Linux software or whatever?

    There is the server side. There I agree that using Linux is great.

    On the client side it can be more complicated. A lot of schools in various domains teach the students how to use the software on windows. Not Linux.

    Furthermore, a company doesn’t pop into existence the moment where it thinks it needs to switch to Linux.

    The company already exists, providing work to the employees, trained on windows. So switching on Linux may change the software if it cannot be used on Linux (not everything is a saas). And that can be a time consuming process for the employees too because they don’t know how to use it efficiently.

  • They can’t really do that, mostly because it’s not “just 1 person”.

    There are a lot of costs going into maintaining the os, apps, custom software, and training for the employees.

    Google is giant, and has a huge amount of money. They can afford to spend the costs of training, modifying software, or developing other software for their needs if it reduces their future costs.

    A smaller company don’t have all those funds, they wouldn’t be able to invest as much into switching to Linux and maintaining the custom software or finding new software and training.

    When people switch to another software, there is also a period of low productivity, when these same people are still discovering the software, and cannot do everything as fast as before. That is also creating additional costs.

  • Sure. But google does waste money if it brings them profit. It would be rather called an investment.

    However the example of Google is extremely bad, because it can only be applied to very large tech companies who already have people developing for Linux.

    It’s not a waste of money, it’s a bad example.

  • I don’t know about dual boot. Maybe windows has to be installed first. Never tried it.

    Tho I know that it is possible during the drive choice, in the windows install, to select an empty space, then clic on the create partition, and there creating a sufficiently big enough partition for windows will create 3 partitions : The boot, reserved and windows. Then just select the main windows partition, and it will auto detect the boot and reserved partition.

    However that is happening on an empty drive. I do not know what can happen on a drive where there is already an OS.

    Windows 11 can be used, however a oobe command needs to be input at install, without Internet, to not have to use an online account. Tho windows may ask later to connect with an online account.

    For an alternative, windows may also be used in a VM. There may also be a way to pass through all the main gpu if needed, and switch between Linux / windows. But I didn’t really use it. So I don’t know where it is or what are the steps.

    If the Linux os needs to be used, but the gpu also has to be in the vm, there is a way to split it. Tho the last time I checked (4+ months ago) the project was incompatible with amd due to some kernel/driver stuff. I sadly lost the link to it…

  • Tibert@compuverse.uktoLinux@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    10 months ago

    Do you know how much money Google has? It’s enough to do whatever with that, even just keep the people away from competition.

    Why Google did that or if it’s even true? Not sure.

    However Google is a big tech which develops software for a multitude of platforms, even Linux. They work on their own Linux mod : Android.

    So they have all the people already in the company to do whatever they want on Linux.

    They also have specific needs which may not need windows.

    We however use excel and the advanced feature Power query and power Bi. So as long as a Foss alternative doesn’t get to the level of the current insanely powerful excel and power bi, we’ll be stuck on windows.

  • Tibert@compuverse.uktoLinux@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    10 months ago

    Do you know how much cost is involved in developing a peace of software?

    Get what you need > a lot of time and good view of the company is needed.

    Then either get a company to do it > expensive + no control on the software.


    Make it yourself > extremely expensive + control on the software.

    Get the right people > hiring campaign > expensive

    Then these hired people represent more people to pay each month > expensive.

    If there aren’t right people, you need to teach the devs how to work on it > expensive formations and it’s done on the working time, so double expensive.

    Then time invested in creating the Linux distro adapted to the company > time, testing, mistakes, redo, undo… expensive.

    (let’s not forget about taxes and obligations towards the new workers).

  • Per connexion would be pretty bad. Per network.

    Let’s say you want to set a static DHCP ip from your router. The only way to do so (from the router, I’m not talking from the phone), is by assigning an IP to a MAC address.

    If the address is randomised per connection, affecting a static DHCP ip would be impossible.

    Another thing a router often has is some sort of dhcp memory. It remembers the ip it gave to a certain MAC address for some time, then when the device connects back, it assigns the same IP it had before.

    So if the ip changes each time either the MAC address changes each time (not sure it’s default), or the router has no memory.

  • Tibert@compuverse.uktoPrivacy@lemmy.mlHow is LineageOS for privacy?
    11 months ago

    You can’t rely install that. There can be microg (not sure if it’s in the distributed rom), but there is no system integration with microg, so G apps cannot work. Neither a lot of apps based on play services.

    Microg however offers a modified LineageOs rom where they have installed the system integration for micro G. On that rom, the G apps and apps requiring G services do work.

    Maybe it could be a bit more privacy friendly than using the direct Google services, but it still connects to Google to get some services for some apps.

  • Outside of steam, there are community scripts with Lutris and other alternatives.

    But sometimes they don’t work well.

    There are also ways to play epic games and gog games easily through the Heroic games Launcher and Wine-GE.

    (wine and winetricks and 2 other wine components need to be installed).

  • Tibert@compuverse.uktoPrivacy@lemmy.mlAndroid vs. iOS
    11 months ago

    The best fasle advertising on privacy/security rather?

    Their goal is blocking any other advertising method so only they can collect and use the data of their users for advertising.

    Security? They can (or could) be hacked, with a backdoor, just with an invisible message…

    So most of their reputation is just marketing (which goes pretty near to false advertising ex : the your data stays on your device… Which is just false).

    Tho they may have a reputation of refusing to give data to public organizations (or at least depending on the data).