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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • Urist@lemmy.mltoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlComenting code
    20 hours ago

    The only problem with courses like calc 3 and differential equations (in my experience, as a mathematician) is that they are cheating somewhat. By cheating I mean relying on inadequate, flawed or entirely omitted proofs. How can the students truly understand something if they are not presented the whole story (or at least reference)?

    The good thing about these courses are that there are usually no shortage of relevant exercises!

  • The (then) right-wing Norwegian government (left-wing by US standards ordered a study because they wanted to claim this. The results (source in Norwegian, use a translator) were the opposite of what they wanted.

    For example: “the businesses used more money on their workers when the stock owners were subjected to higher wealth tax” (paraphrasing here).

    Is a car or shirt or house personal property?


    I reference “dignity” because it’s part of “the unshakeable foundation of the Republic of Poland”

    Yea, not sure I care about the right-wingers in Poland either.

    cooperate with you if you remind them of the Soviet Union, and I expect that saying “we should remove the capitalist class” will do that.

    Well, I think we should be honest about our intentions, unlike the capitalist class that tell you “brown people” or “the economy” is the reason they pay you slave wages.

    What misinformation am I repeating? I wouldn’t have written a statement that I don’t think is true, so I suggest you point out anything you think is incorrect and explain your perspective, and maybe share a URL for some more interesting sources.

    The part about seizing personal property to pay taxes, for instance. A progressive tax system can have bottom tiers paying no taxes. The right are those who impose high tax rates on the middle class and poor, in order to make them hate taxes.

  • Urist@lemmy.mltoOpen Source@lemmy.mlForgejo is now copyleft, just like Git
    1 month ago
    1. Wealth tax does not block economic growth, rather the opposite, because it forces wealth to be reinvested to not lose too much value.
    2. You clearly need a lesson in proportional taxation if you think people would have their personal property appropriated.
    3. I do not give a fuck about you placing your dignity in ownership of material assets, that is a you problem.
    4. The top 10% pay less income taxes as a fraction of their income than the bottom 10%.
    5. Really, we should remove the capitalist class because they will fight back to the detriment of everyone else.
    6. I do not give a fuck about the IRS. I am not an American. My country actually has a wealth tax.
    7. You are repeating misinformation and capitalist propaganda with little understanding of what you are saying. Have you even reflected on what “the economy” really is? If you are a trickle-down Reaganomics-follower, you might want to get your brain checked.

  • Urist@lemmy.mltoOpen Source@lemmy.mlForgejo is now copyleft, just like Git
    1 month ago

    GitHub has long sought to discredit copyleft generally. Their various CEOs have often spoken loudly and negatively about copyleft, including their founder (and former CEO) devoting his OSCON keynote on attacking copyleft and the GPL. This trickled down from the top. We’ve personally observed various GitHub employees over the years arguing in many venues to convince projects to avoid copyleft; we’ve even seen a GitHub employee do this in a GitHub bug ticket directly.

    You only need to know that corporations do not like copyleft to know it is good. The same goes with capitalists and wealth tax / inheritance tax.

  • The EU requires government acquisitions to be publicly announced so that private companies can make offers that the government then must choose from (not freely, mind you, but following some “objective” metrics).

    Even though this might sound great to some, it has the downside of promoting commercial services and vendor lock-in up to the point that even if a free and open source alternative exists, it cannot be used unless there also exists some commercial entity behind it that can sell the software and support for it in accordance with the established metrics.

    This might be one of the biggest hurdles in the way for Linux adoption, since anyone can claim to do lots of great stuff with SUPERproprietarySOFTWARETM and then hold critical services, like healthcare mentioned elsewhere, hostage to their failure to deliver on promises and future bad support.

  • Urist@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlHyprland is now fully independent!
    2 months ago

    Transsexual “women” fail to meet one basic requirement to be considered women: they are not female.


    When the left stretches things up to the point you can face legal consequences for truthful speech, we digress into totalitarianism.

    This is not at all what totalitarianism means, look it up in a dictionary or something.

  • Urist@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlHyprland is now fully independent!
    2 months ago

    The woke mob wants me to affirm that a transsexual woman is, in fact, a real woman. I will not say that. I would be a lying. I tend to pursue truth. Truth does not care about people’s feelings.

    Ok. Seems to me that you just want a free pass at being an ass.

    She is a real woman even though she does not conform to your expectations of what gender is. Here is the thing though: She does not need your affirmation to

    1. be real
    2. look like a woman
    3. live like a woman
    4. feel like a woman.

    What reason do you have to claim that she is not a “real woman” (whatever that means, I can guarantee that it is not well defined)? Most importantly, if she feels like a woman, even if you disagree on some metaphysical level of nonsense of what is a woman, why would you have the need to tell her what you think? Lastly, why do you think your opinion about her body is important?

  • Urist@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlHyprland is now fully independent!
    2 months ago

    You misunderstand what I am saying: They are mostly (save where hate speech laws apply) allowed to say nasty stuff. They just do not enjoy the privilege of everyone else shutting up about it. I.e., other people react to it and say unkind, possibly nasty stuff back, which the original people in question get butt hurt by and subsequently whine about “the woke mob cancelling them”.

  • Urist@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlHyprland is now fully independent!
    2 months ago

    woke ideology

    Like basic respect for others?

    not allowed to say anything

    Yeah, this is just not true. Unlike those who are actually marginalized, these people say nasty shit and claim that being called a dickhead for it is a violation of their freedom of speech. The reality is that they actually want some sort of immunity to backlash for their own words and actions, effectively limiting other people’s freedom of expression.

  • Urist@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlHyprland is now fully independent!
    2 months ago

    American left-wing values

    Hold up, what? The Overton window of US politics is so skewed to the right that what is usually considered left-wing there is right-wing elsewhere. US left-wing (read right-wing for much of the rest of the world) values are definitely common globally due to American cultural export (read military hegemony and neocolonialism).