Man this would.be awesome if I found an IPTV provider that wasn’t trash.
You Can’t Stop The Signal
Man this would.be awesome if I found an IPTV provider that wasn’t trash.
So I had a full traefik setup but ima be real, cloudflare tunnel is far easier.
Man this shit is cringe.
Well that’s disappointing
Can this play back my local media collection or is it just a debrid proxy frontend?
Of course you wouldn’t. If it was air gapped then soulseek would be useless. It needs internet to function.
Not a bad idea honestly. That’s my next project after a home server upgrade.
I think there’s miscommunication. I don’t mean you’re audio is out of sync, I mean that the file being played has 7.1 as the audio track, then when jellyfin downmixes it to stereo for you speakers it sounds like absolute ass.
The “doesn’t select the right audio track” is another issue that I personally don’t have, but the downmixing one is something that seems to be baked into Jellyfin for TV.
The jellyfin problem is probably it downmixing surround 7.1 really shittily. You can run tdarr to downmix surround into stereo before you watch. Kind of a pain but it’s the only workaroumd I’ve got for the shit audio
Well I say dockge over container because dockge is just an easier way to manage compose files whereas container does some weird shit sometimes.
Hey, not knocking it. If the tool suits the use case then have at it. Just never seen the appeal.
I have those same things. Reason I like proxmox over something else is I have full control. Had too many issues on things like TrueNAS scale where I had control taken away from me.
I’ve never seem the appeal of any if these sorts of solutions. It’s really easy to just spin up proxmox then build an lxc.
Seconded, but dockge over portainer.
I read the whole thing, thank you very much. It’s still nonsense. So you can take your sarcastic remarks and go somewhere else.
First of all: no, and repeating this nonsense over and over doesn’t make it any more true.
Second of all: I truly will never understand the hatred some people have for docker. If you prefer all bare metal install, then fine. But constantly shouting from the rooftops how useless and bad docker is seems a little silly.
…right. But what does emulating a calculator get me vs just using the calculator app?
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