Little Bobby Tables does sound like something out of a classic comedy movie
Little Bobby Tables does sound like something out of a classic comedy movie
No cap is cracking me up. This is great stuff
I’m glad you asked, people provided some great answers.
Good rule of thumb is just don’t mess with company property at all, cuz they’ll know. For example I simply turned a wall TV on one weekend so my skeleton crew had something to do, and I was asked why a few days later. If it’s electronic they can track it.
IT will ask you the next day what you did to thier computer.
How’s the Aya? Does it dock with the TV/monitor?
Do you have a steam deck too?
I hear that.
But how many people actually use all of those other brands listed?
It’s ok to just say “no one” without downvoting.
All I’m hearing is crickets
Ah thanks.
How many of those do people actually use though?
Such as?
How many actual PC handhelds are there?
The link in the article that promises “plenty” of handheld examples talks about Steam deck, Asus, and… the switch. And that’s it. And obviously the switch is not a PC handheld, so… ?
In case you’re wondering what GameVault is, it’s like having your own video gaming platform for games on your server – think Plex, but for video games
Complain to the companies that own the rights to the content.
Do you like it? I gotta get away from Gmail, too.
I have thousands unread too. But I read the important ones. I at least look at it …sometimes
That’s the answer anytime people do this with existing IPs. They’re just using the already built in fan base for fast cash.
IP abuse.
You haven’t checked your email in how many years?
It’s not that important.
Gotcha, I agree with you.
You’re not forced to use iPhones
What happens when this device or whatever does eventually disconnect? No more data for the month, or get charged for it?
I’m kinda doing something similar with my phone. It’s not supposed to be a hotspot, and I shouldn’t have more than 20gb a month… But here I am on month four with 100gb of side loaded hotspot each month.