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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 20th, 2024


  • That’s 100% true. That’s why I’d like the help from experts to help me avoid being scammed, help me avoid drinking and eating poisoned food, or having to breath unhealthy air.

    I don’t always know the full repercussions from the decisions I make so I really appreciate having some expert help. This is especially true of decisions shitty people try to coerce me into making when I’m desperate or emotionally vulnerable.

  • I love duckDB, my usual workflow is:

    • initially read my data from whatever source (CSV, relational database somewhere, whatever)
    • write it to one or more parquet files in a directory
    • tell duckdb that the directory is my data source

    Then duckdb treats the directory just like a databese that you can build indexes on, and since they’re parquet files they’re hella small and have static typing. It was pretty fast and efficient before, and duckdb has really sped up my data wrangling and analysis a ton.

  • I like to imagine this was thought up by some ambitious product manager who enthusiastically pitched this idea during their first week on the job.

    Then they carefully and meticulously implemented their plan over 3 years, always promising the executives it would be a huge pay off. Then the product manager saw the writing on the wall that this project was gonna fail. Then they bailed while they could and got a better position at a different company.

    The new product manager overseeing this project didn’t care about it at all. New PM said fuck it and shipped the exploit before it was ready so the team could focus their work on a new project that would make new PM look good.

    The new project will be ready in just 6-12 months, and it is totally going to disrupt the industry!