• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


    • repeat the “Don’t sweat it.”
    • Ubuntu is a perfectly fine starting point (the other “beginner distro” that’s commonly recommended is LinuxMint)
    • »AFTER« you become comfortable with what you have:
    • »THEN« take a look at immutable distros
      • “immutable distro” is a catch-all term that embraces several concepts
        • immutable – the root filesystem is set to read-only – makes it harder to mess up your system
        • declarative – your hardware and packages and configs are declared in a master configuration file
        • atomic / transactional – updates are checked as they’re applied, if it fails, it gets rolled back to a previous “safe state”
        • container / sandbox – ex. Flatpak or Docker or OCI – apps are isolated in their own sandbox and not allowed to mess up anything else

    • you have to figure out what the icons are and which menu holds which command
    • in a GUI, only the basic options are laid out for you – newcomers regularly assume something can’t be done because the option isn’t there rather trying to find out if the option has just been moved to a completely different area of the UI
    • GUIs regularly freeze up with even less indication of what’s going on (do you wait a few seconds or half an hour when the beach ball isn’t spinning)
    • (on a side note, GUIs are generally a nightmare for accessibility options)