Ultra wide is better. If enough space an ultra wide and another 16:9 monitor. Games look so nice 21:9 and wider without the bezels of the older solution for ultra wide with multi monitors
Ultra wide is better. If enough space an ultra wide and another 16:9 monitor. Games look so nice 21:9 and wider without the bezels of the older solution for ultra wide with multi monitors
I’d copy you and drop the hardware. Just: you deserve better
That’ll be nice. A lot of branding options there. Powered by SteamOS, that’ll be nice for knowing that all the devices drivers have Linux support
Steam Included, easiest win for manufacturers. Steam Deck is pretty much an older generation AMD laptop. Slapping Steam Included should be viable for most new laptops these days
Steam Compatible, hardware shipped with approved controller inputs. I guess Android TV boxes shipped with a gamepad for Steam Link or GeForce Now
Steam Link Compatible, that’s practically any computing device with a WiFi card or Ethernet these days. I guess anything that doesn’t have a gamepad included
B770 to hypothetical B9XX is what I’m looking for. Phoenix benchmarks because not many doing Linux benchmarks. 8700-8800xt or B700-B9XX for me next year
Hoping that it’s possible to get one at a good price maybe end of summer. By the time it’s possible to grab one, it’ll be hot and I don’t run AC. Once it’s fall, used market at least hopefully isn’t trash