• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • The crucial point is that the people who can work on the kernel now itself are

    • c people who don’t know rust yet
    • c people who know rust well

    The moment we get rust in there, the people who can work on the kernel reliably as a whole are

    • c people who know rust well

    That’s a much smaller group than the one above.

    Here’s the point: THE SAME ISSUE would arise if it were D, or some kind of compiled python, object-oriented bash static objects, if that existed; or anything. Whatever the other language was, it’d present the same risk.

    Rust people: it’s not about you. It’s about splitting the codebase.

  • CheckMk user here via omd.

    I’m looking for something else after the upgrade.

    1. Black interface isn’t pretty for me and the old interface was “meh too hard so we ditched it”.

    2. One half of the project split has a shit supply chain and just doesn’t meet the bar for upgrade requirements.

    3. The other half of the project split is a mess to config in an automated desired-state setup. It’s all edge-triggered manual bullshit. NO. ENOUGH.

    I miss 1.2 .

  • I’m at the age where shit just needs to work. Some sort of remote desktop, or NAS or a combo might be the better easier route.

    I get that. I don’t built machines anymore - time sink - and I don’t rebuild my kernel, etc.

    But the synch you’re thinking quickly puts you into a tier higher than you may have time for. And a NAS gets you most of the way there as long as you understand and accept a failed NAS (or its OS, or a non-redundant disk setup) is going to hose your work everywhere instead of just on the one discrete machine you were using previously. You’re trading one risk for another, and that may be a big deal.

    Re-examine your goals, and be really sure to separate what needs to synch vs what doesn’t (hint: user data synchs, most OS setup does not) and then see if you can carve out a decent solution with that. Maybe it’s as simple as an eBayed refurb NAS and another offsite for backup.

  • Yeah. And the full root disk clone thing is honestly gonna be more trouble than value. Ensure the big-bang stuff is the same - packages, but even not perfect (as above) but just same-version where installed; and general settings - and then synch the homedir.

    God help me, I’m thinking gluster between 2-3 machines, running a VM off that (big files so lock negot isn’t an issue) and having it commandeer the local vid for gaming. It’s doomed but it’ll be fun ha ha learning ha ha.

    There are exciting ways to ensure some settings and configs are kept the same, too, when they’re outside that synched home space. Ansible if you like thunky 2002 tech, chef or salt for newer but overkill, or mgmtconfig if you want modern decentralized peer-to-peer reactive config management.