People there just blindly hate nvidia and praise amd. And when I tried once tell the fact, that amd opensource drivers suck - I got a lot of minuses at my comment. Oh well, anyway, I really hope, that all that people will buy amd card one day and suffer as I did. I doubt that will change their opinion, cause they will still hate just_working nvidia drivers, cause “oh no, they not support VRR on my experimental wayland DE”. They focking dumb man, I tell ya. Anyway, I will try to sell my “awesome and opensource” amd 7900xtx and buy cheaper nvidia card. Just cause at cheaper nvidia card I could at least play fucking games and it will not crash my video driver every now and then.
Sorry for late response, only notice you right now. For me, idle power draw is about 30w (60w if mem clock bagged out on high clock) on card. It’s worse than it should be (without memclock bug it’s about ~17w), but doable. If you have higher power draw, probably smth else broke.