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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 20th, 2023

  • We use it on Azure, but I don’t always want some files in version control. I might just want things for myself to share across both machines.

    Plus I really don’t care what Microsoft is or isn’t tracking on my work machines. If my company is satisfied with us using everything Microsoft then who am I to complain.

    For reference on what we use of Microsoft:

    • Azure for Git, BlobStorage, hosting, database storage, etc
    • Office Suite - never imagined I would work so much on excel as a dev, but every project so far has required reading from or writing to excel.
    • Visual Studio Professional
    • C# .net and entity framework
    • Typescript mainly with React
    • Teams
    • One drive
    • CoPilot integration in Visual Studio Professional, which saves countless hours in writing code, as it learns your standards. It’s like Intellisense on steroids.
    • SQL Server Management Studio

    There’s probably more that I can’t think of right now. We have an honourable mention of GraphQL as a wrapper for our API.

  • There are cases of AI using NotTheOnion as a source for its answer.

    It doesn’t understand context. That’s not to say I am saying it’s completely useless, hell I’m a software developer and our company uses CoPilot in Visual Studio Professional and it’s amazing.

    People can criticise the flaws in it, without people doing it because it’s popular to dunk on it. Don’t shill for AI and actually take a critical approach to its pros and cons.

  • So my first role as a developer I’m working on an application that runs various classes for children, the parents sign up but it’s children they’re booking for.

    We use reactstrap and there is a package called buttonasync and it has a method of executingChildren, let’s say I was a little confused.

    return (
                <Form onSubmit={onSubmit}>
                        <Label htmlFor="name">Name</Label>
                        <Input type="text" name="name" placeholder="Name" value={props.name} />
    				<ButtonAsync type="submit" color="primary" isExecuting={isSaving}
    					executingChildren={<><FontAwesomeIcon icon="spinner" spin /> Saving...</>}>
    					<FontAwesomeIcon icon="save" /> Save

  • What? Are you an actual developer.

    It’s pure insanity to work like you suggested. Sure it can be done, I used to work on a Mac and had no monitors but it wastes time switching between displays.

    I’ll work with 2-3 monitors.

    If it two then I’ll have my IDE on one and if I’m working on UI then I have the application open on the other. That way I change some CSS, save and glance left to see how it looks now. If I’m not doing UI work and I’m working on the server then my other monitor is used for the spec document, SQL server management and just web browsing.

    On a three monitor setup then the third one would be where I would keep my email client open with teams.

    I am literally at a loss for words with your weird take.