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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I get that but you’re disallowing valid email addresses to do so. Gmail does actually allow you to use that email address. You would create it as Some.Guy@gmail.com and then you can address it to "Some Guy"@gmail.com because Google treats spaces and periods the same since spaces aren’t allowed without quotes.

    I like what you’re doing here, I’m just pointing out a major issue with how you’re implementing it. You could have literally chosen any character as the delimiter so it’s weird to me that you chose one that’s so useful vs. others that are not.

  • This entire reply is so dishonest that I won’t be bothering to interact with you further. You’ve mischaracterized my entire point, consistently argued a straw man, and insulted me for no reason other than your inability to actually argue the point I made. People pirating things that are unavailable is an edge case that neither disproves my point nor addresses the point.

    You’re a dishonest person performing mental gymnastics to try and make yourself feel better.

  • It’s not a claim I’ve made. If you haven’t paid for something you’ve used or ingested, you deprived the creator of income. That’s a fact. And the argument about profits is a straw man because that’s not the same thing. People who ingest media talk about it and that convinces others to ingest it. Whether people who pirate content talk about it is irrelevant to the fact that they stole income from the creator to watch it in the first place.

    Secondly, no one is arguing that it’s immoral because it’s illegal. That’s also a straw man. I’m arguing it’s immoral because you’re entitling yourself to the fruits of someone’s labor and creativity without holding up your end of the social contract.

    Which there is no evidence of ever happening

    Bullshit. The entire premise of piracy is ingesting something you didn’t pay for. There is literally a 100% correlation of evidence because, otherwise, piracy wouldn’t be an idea.

    And I don’t know what a straw man is? You’re literally arguing against a point that I’ve never made. I have pirated content. I’m not claiming any high ground here. I just wish people would stop pretending like piracy isn’t theft when it is. You’re stealing income from a creator who is charging for their content. They’re not giving it away for free. You taking it without paying is depriving them of income and entitling you to get something that you didn’t trade in good faith.

  • It’s not unnecessarily restrictive. It was the entire point of discussion. Opening that up to more general straw men does nothing to further that discussion. Bristle all you want but I can see no other reason to ignore the point and argue against things that were never mentioned other than to be dishonest.

    It’s ludicrous that people here can’t be honest with themselves. Piracy is theft, of one form or another. No, it’s not the same thing as stealing a physical object but no one is pretending it is. The gymnastics all over this sub are childish and tiring.

  • Those are dishonest comparisons. The OP was saying that rich people get more votes. None of those things you mentioned are a vote for content. They are votes for the mechanisms of the content and, guess what, people vote for them every time by buying them, rich or not. Nintendo selling the same title for a different system is something people do whether they’re rich or not. A rich person doesn’t buy multiple copies of a re-released game for a single Switch. A rent-to-own store doesn’t deal with movies or music or content, they deal with goods.

    My last statement isn’t naive. It’s literally what capitalism is. Ingesting content is not a need. We’re not talking about Nestle buying up all the food companies. We’re talking about completely optional products.

  • I kinda do this. I buy physical media for things I enjoy but still pirate for accessibility reasons. I only have one Blu-ray player (PS5), for example, but I’m not gonna shuffle it around the house to watch a movie I own on the other TVs. The same goes for games. I pay for the games I want but, if it’s an Ubisoft game or something with a secondary launcher other than Steam, I play the cracked versions because there is no benefit to those extra DRM systems to me as a player.

    That means some of the movies/games I own are unopened but that’s more like a secondary benefit to me rather than my primary motivation.