Stirnerian Egoist looking for self satisfaction. Gimme Chinese xianxia novels and romantic K-dramas please.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Of course. Your idea is THE idea. You CANNOT get mass adoption without a minimal amount of hops. You won’t get the hordes of pirates running around reading wikis on how to configure their router for piracy and how to get an i2p provider and how to get an index etc.

    Torrenting right now is so broadly adopted because you just download a Torrenting client, click the magnet, click OK and you’re good to go.

    If you HAD to set up port forwarding, some magnet handling register in windows preferences, just those two would stop the bulk majority of pirates. And that’s not even 1/4 of what you have to do to use i2p correctly.

  • That’s actually a great argument: an AI is trained without permission on the result of people’s labor, and is thus able to intercept the need for this labor and take away financial opportunities derived thereof. Therefore, An AI’s labor and its profit could be argued to contain, in the percentage that an AI is the content of its training, a portion that is proportionately belonging to those who did this labor its obscure process is based on. Therefore, an AI’s master should take a portion of its revenue as royalties and distribute them to the “people’s council” which in this case is just the government, for it to redistributed accordingly.

  • Nah, by not following the footsteps of a bunch o people who think they know better than me, I am at best finding pleasure in life and not following the spooky arbitrary rules others set for me. It’s not short-term thinking, it’s long-term thinking about what’s best for me. My effect on me will always be much greater than the infinitesimaly small effect I have on a collective made up of hundreds of thousands of people. As long as I’m not trolling or ruining people’s experiences, I am free to do whatever I want.

    And besides, you’re arguing about the biggest possible problem that there will be, and even then the effect I can have is tiny. My effect on other things such as the SJW-Beehaw block, or the lemmyworld-beehaw block, is even tinier, because these two are not even targeting each other, but are simply trying to make moderation easier. My so-called “ban-evasion” would not be harmful to any as I am not even the target of this “ban”.

  • Both these instances are temporarily blocked by beehaw as they couldn’t get trolls originating from these two instances under control otherwise.

    Yup. And if I wanna interact with Beehaw, I need to do it from elsewhere. In my case, I use because it has both SJW and Beehaw.

    and you really should not join such instances as long as this situation remains as it is.

    I joined right after SJW was created. I had no idea there would be problems with management. Many people don’t even know about this. And how could they, if they don’t check the list of instances that are blocked or asked why such and such are blocked?

    Still, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t valuable communities in SJW. If I wanna interact with them, I need to know from where I can do that, and from where I can’t. From Beehaw, for example, I can’t. So after checking the little tool I’d know that Beehaw is not the right community to join because it sucks cuz it has too much banned stuff that I wanna see.

  • As I said, linking is automatic. You don’t need to know if something is linked as it is automatically linked as soon as you want.

    And I said, the purpose is not to link. Linking is not the purpose. It has nothing to do with the purpose.

    The purpose is to interact. This tool checks if you can interact. Sometimes you can, sometimes you can’t, simple as that. If you want to interact but the instance you’re considering can’t, then you put it in your back pocket and keep looking.

    And gmail is an exceptionally bad example as they spamblock just about anyone other that a few others that are too big to block. And they do so for pure business reasons as they want you to switch to gmail.

    Yeah bad example. It’s more like you have a sniper’s rifle and you wanna see if you can pop a head or whether that head is vaccinated against the exact brand of bullet that you’re carrying. Except instead of bullet it’s a comment, and instead of head it’s a post that you wanna comment on.

  • Knowing who blocks that instance at most gives you a hint if an instance is generally considered a bad actor.

    Nope. It only tells you who dislikes it for any reason. Is a bad actor? Is a bad actor? If not, then why did block them? According to them it was because they were open registration. Misunderstandings like these are common.

    If, because I follow your advice, I join and I don’t have Beehaw content available because I am blocked, is it because I’m a bad actor? Nope, I just picked the wrong instance. Nothing wrong in looking through the list to see who isn’t blocking what you want to see and joining that.