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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 20th, 2023


  • heavyboots@lemmy.mltoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlknow the features of your language
    7 months ago

    I hate this so much. Literally stopped using Perl and switched to PHP to get away from the “Look, ma! I can condense 6 comprehensible lines to one complete gibberish line that still works!” crowd.

    I’m not saying I won’t use shorthand if/else format on very rare occasions where you have to do a bunch of different if else’s within your HTML for some reason, but in general, I try to avoid it.

  • This brings up an interesting point. On Mastodon, besides Block User, there is also a Block Instance option. Will we ever see that on Lemmy? Seems like an easy way to resolve what has been a big issue for me (and obviously other people too).

    Aka, you don’t really want to start over on another instance (hey, not migration tools yet!) but you also don’t really want to see posts from a specific server any more. Rather than people having to lobby the server admins about whether or not to defederate, wouldn’t it just be easier to allow user-level instance blocking? (I know I say “just” while knowing zip about how hard that as in the back end, but yes, from a logistics perspective, seems like you could make a lot of spam-level requests leave the admin’s plates by implementing this.)

  • I kind of feel like karma is pretty much a part of the link aggregator style site’s core usefulness. It’s a quick nod to figuring out if an account is generally well thought of or not and my immediate instinct would pretty much be to block people hiding their karma on here, because it points to an unwillingness to participate in the core voting and being voted on idea.

    At the very least, I wouldn’t want accounts that opt out of displaying karma to be able to vote on anything either. All in or stand on the sidelines and watch IMHO.

  • heavyboots@lemmy.mltoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlopen source in progress...
    1 year ago

    I feel like this is almost where Apple is ahead of the game. Despite the EU hating it, they’ve been using the same lightning cable design for a long old time because it works well enough, it doesn’t suffer USB-A’s put it in 3 times to figure out which direction is right, and people have a billion of them laying around at this point.

    EDIT: Too many people to respond to individually but I do realize from a technical perspective it’s an inferior cable. Just saying the user experience was better for a long time before USB-C arrived and the fact they never changed it makes it easy to find a cable to use if you forgot yours etc. Yes it’s slow but I am not transferring stuff off and my iPhone regularly, no I’ve never had one die from the pins burning out (although I do know people that’s happened to).

    As for USB-C, I agree it’s better on paper and was excited when I got a laptop with USB-C but my personal experience trying to buy a PD cable that would actually deliver the rated 100w it was supposed to was abysmal. Went through multiple cables from Amazon that didn’t work for some reason, including Anker, and finally gave up and bought a cable from Apple that did work. But the fact some of them don’t do what they say they will and the fact you can end up with multiple black cables that all do different things but are completely unmarked as to what they do has made me very irritated with USB-C at this point, even while I do enjoy the higher speeds and power they can deliver once you figure out which cable is which.

  • I feel like it is very unlikely it was Eweka if all the files were incomplete/corrupted? They very rarely are with that service. Stuff that is like 6 or 8 years old comes down fine from there quite frequently.

    I will say that if the show you are looking for is by a large enough company, they may have hired a takedown service that will delete just enough files to cause the entire thing to be corrupt depending on the newsgroup provider. Mainstream usenet service providers get hit the worst. If it’s something you really want to see, you may only have a few hours to DL it before it is corrupted in that case.