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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • Unfortunately I wouldn’t buy these given that it’s from Packt Publishing. I’ve bought quite a few of their books over the years and more often than not they’re either full of glaring writing errors that would have been caught if the book was looked at by an editor at all, the code examples have errors that require deep knowledge of said book topic to correct making it hard to progress, or the book doesn’t seem to follow a linear learning path making understanding what the author is trying to convey much harder.

    Don’t get me wrong there are some good books from Packt, but they’re much rarer than say a book from O’Reilly or Manning. They seem to just churn out content and not have a rigorous editing process meaning that it’s mostly up to the author’s writing ability to create something useful.

    I used to grab their free ebook of the day when they used to have that and more often than not I would delete or never finish the books because they were just so low quality.

  • To be fair most of the class action lawsuits these days are “dumb.” It’s important to still fight these or else nothing will change. It’s a check valve on businesses and the government to prevent them from being completely unaccountable and harming entire populations of people.

    They named the feature incorrectly, then they only updated the language and explained it properly after people got in trouble or hurt because they thought it meant something different. That to me sounds like malice or at least negligence to me.

    Yes the suit sounds dumb initially. However if you think about how the average person might have been misled this does sound like Google needs to be held accountable.

  • Packt publishing is some of the worse material I’ve ever had the misfortune to have to use. The books don’t make sense, they just seem to churn out material that isn’t even edited properly or examples aren’t even vetted to work properly without having to know what errors to fix. Getting a good book from them is a rarity not the norm unlike someone like O’Reilly. Save your money and don’t buy anything from them.