• 11 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: December 29th, 2019


  • i’ve got a split ortho keyboard called corne (you can check my post history for assembly and final result pics), and for a split ergonomic keyboard i’d strongly recommend going for a wireless version (if available) and i wouldn’t recommend ortho layout unless you’re super committed (if you ever type on smth like a laptop, switch back and forth between ortho and non-ortho is a huge pain, while switching between split and non-split is perfectly fine)

  • the most infuriating aspect of electron, is is that multi-billion (and even multi-trillion) dollar corporations think it’s ok practice to release desktop clients using electron, like wtf, each one of them can hire ten teams to build ten completely new desktop toolkits, let alone just design their applications to use native system tools 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️