I have a meshtastic script that runs once a day that sends a weather report for our local area at 6:00 am. It was based off a script that some awesome person did. I also have a script that once a week sends out ham/meshtastic events to all local people. Its worked out pretty well.
It was :(
My pi 4 is right on the cusp. 3 B+ was the best when it came to no dongles and power. Now its taking about the same power as a mini PC and you have to by the enclosure, fans/heatsink/dongles/etc…etc… I suppose you can still buy the old pis but man I miss when that was the form factor they were going for.
I bring over my 3/4 for hacking projects all the time. But I cant justify the 5 without looking at getting a mini pc for 10$ more and it comes with a hard drive ment to last longer than an SD.