• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • Rails is great for starting an app, you can get something to a functional MVP state in a ridiculously small amount of time. We used to do rapid prototyping where we could be shipping it to the client in like 2-4 weeks. I haven’t found anything that comes close to this elsewhere.

    But you’re right that the big trade off is jumping off is effectively impossible, because Rails is your app. Most criticism that I see (and feel is valid) is that unless you’re willing to do a whole rewrite you will be on Rails forever. I think this is a more reasonable trade off than I see represented online; “long terms Rails is a nightmare” comes up a lot and I don’t think it’s that bad.

    I personally like that we’re seeing options for both strategies here popping up. More options is good for us as devs.

  • I remember learning about how to use this back in the day and what a game changer it was for my workflow.

    Today I like to do all of the commits as I’m working. Maybe dozens or more as I chug along, marking off waypoints rather than logging actual changes. When I’m done a quick interactive rebase cleans up the history to meaningful commits quite nicely.

    The fun part is that I will work with people sometimes who both swear that “rewriting history” is evil and should never be done, but also tell me how useful my commit logs are and want to know how I take such good notes as I go.

  • The biggest difference between Nix and Guix is that Guix doesn’t support non-foss software, meaning you can’t use it as a package manager on other operating systems. I originally wanted to use Guix but use a Mac for work, so that became a deal breaker.

    Nix is pretty awesome as a package manager, I’ve been happy with it after the truly unnecessary learning curve brutality. I do not imagine I would ever use the full OS though.

  • Nate Cox@programming.devtoLinux@lemmy.mlBased KDE 🗿
    7 months ago

    You don’t even need to quality it. Some people just feel the need to tear down others to make themselves feel good. It’s low self-esteem, misplaced onto whatever happens to be near them.

    I think we’re all vulnerable to it, too. Part of being a good neighbor is checking yourself to see if you’re being a dick about your preferences, and just letting people enjoy what they enjoy (unless that thing is harming others; you know, common sense).

  • Nate Cox@programming.devtoRust@programming.devRust without crates.io
    8 months ago

    I don’t understand the complaint here. It sounds like the complaint is that there is a single source for libraries… but the solution provided is “use apt-get”.

    Today, I refuse to use any language that doesn’t ship with a dependency resolver like crates or rubygems. Python taught me that I really want dependencies to be a first class citizen.