And the other dude calling him insane is okay by comparison?
And the other dude calling him insane is okay by comparison?
If you’re a frontend programmer, you only need to understand rectangle width and height lol
Im paying for photoprism and donated twice to the unofficial Android client
Check out this app
OP sounds like a victim of Python 3, finding various Python 2 projects on the internet, a venv isn’t going to help
For that one time when systemd-logind crashed on every boot on an unmodified CentOS install because of an OOM.
Yeah, one man did hours of profiling and the other made the patch more elegant lol
Alright then, I guess it’s time for attempt #3 with the newly acquired knowledge. Thanks!
Since when? I made two attempts over many years and an elaborate offlineimap and msmtp setup was needed both times.
Alpine is an email client.
Mutt is a maildir reader which you can use as a part of your DIY email client.
Fair enough
That’s the point, it’s not flashy but everything loads instantly and you get work done in no time. 2000s style.
I haven’t had any problems with redmine itself but with dependencies and the Ruby runtime.
And if you’re saying I don’t have enough experience to make claims about Ruby dep management, I can say the same about you Python. Works flawlessly for me. is a standard rails webapp. Nothing special. Straightforward to update, just a few commands, the only quirk is that at least one step always fails. Some obscure bug in a dependency, some problem with expected vs installed system libraries, or my favourite, a Segmentation Fault.
Syncthing has a concept of untrusted node, which only gets to store files, not see them
Ruby, of all the examples you could come up with? My Redmine is updated only every few years because I rarely have a whole day to deal with the mess that is Ruby deps managent.
Java deals with this ellegantly.
Get a book on Spring Boot and jump back inro Java web development.
With git, you don’t need to master it, just find some subversion to git howto and start using it. It’s half a page of text. Once you learn the basics you can learn more as you go. There are many otherwise competent programmers who don’t know git too well, I know because I support them from time to time.
Most preschool kids know what an A4 sheet is. Not sure how it can be used more.
I remember trying to understand Vorbis fixed point codebase, it was completely bonkers, the three of us on this task couldn’t even draw a rough control flow diagram.
Are you a teacher by any chance? Sounds like school justice where the one provoking is always innocent.