• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Love it when my coworkers reformat the code style, making it nigh impossible to understand what they actually changed, while greatly inflating their “contribution.”

    It also blows away the git blame, making it hard to know who actually changed that one critical line of business logic 3 years ago that you need to understand before trying to fix some obscure bug.

    I have one coworker who does this constantly and if you just looked at git blame, you’d think he wrote the entire code base himself.

  • What new ideas exist that some “programmer” can build themselves with a laptop and an energy drink? CRUD web app ideas are largely exhausted and their functionality has been absorbed into 5 major companies. If an idea is truly new and shows promise one of those companies will quickly clone it and integrate it with their platform, so their existing users have minimal effort to start using it. They won’t use your new app. Signing up for services is a pain.

    Starting a tech company these days is going to be more and more complex. You can’t get by with a web app you hacked together in an afternoon. And, it will likely need to involve AI to attract investors. You also need to have plenty of capital to procure users via marketing.

  • For me it was a random 15 minute 1 on 1 with the director that appeared out of nowhere on my calendar.

    I checked his calendar in outlook and saw like 8-10 15 minute meetings scheduled back to back. I immediately knew something was up. 5 minutes later my coworker called me almost sobbing saying he had been cut. I knew the deal. 15 minutes later another coworker called and said he had been cut too. Sure enough, my time came too.

    It sucked but, I found another job before my last day and managed to pocket the 6 weeks of severance.