also at beehaw

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • That’s helpful; this sounds like a docker issue or qBit issue then. The default qBit location for torrents is /downloads, but you’d need to make sure to point it towards the container volume mapping you’re setting up in docker.

    my relevant qBittorrent compose volume mapping is as follows:

          - /volume1/shared/torrents:/data/torrents

    Personally, I don’t separate my torrent downloads by type; I use incoming & completed folders. Here’s how I set up my qBittorrent config:

    Original Value New Value
    Session\DefaultSavePath=/downloads/ Session\DefaultSavePath=/data/torrents/1_completed/
    Session\TempPath=/downloads/incomplete/ Session\TempPath=/data/torrents/2_incoming/
    Downloads\SavePath=/downloads/ Downloads\SavePath=/data/torrents/1_completed/
    Downloads\TempPath=/downloads/incomplete/ Downloads\TempPath=/data/torrents/2_incoming/

  • Probably stating the obvious, but keep the obscure stuff around! You might not get upload immediately but the longer you seed it, the more chance someone else who wants it will come along and you get some of the upload. the most real upload I’ve ever gotten on TL (talking 1.2/1.5/1.9 ratio, absolutely insane ratio to have on a home network for a TL torrent imo) was from submitting a reseed request for several super obscure boxsets that had other leechers and no seeders.

    but do watch out for downloading any more non-freeleech stuff from TL if your ratio is already poor, as that’ll dig you into a bigger hole than just letting what you’ve already grabbed seed.

  • I really can’t tell - does it work on top of Markdown flat files or not? Based on the mention of an exporter, I’d guess not.

    Part of the reason I moved from TiddlyWiki to Obsidian was to get my writing into plain text files, so anything that doesn’t interface with the OS file system is off the table for me from the get-go. (Part of the reason I care about this is so that I’m not locked into a specific app and can use VS Code to browse and edit as needed, or build a static site from my files, etc.)

  • For me it was really the price of domain renewals. Namecheap has great starting deals, but eg. I have a .studio domain and it costs $28.16 to renew at Namecheap and $21.09 at Porkbun. My .xyz domain costs $9.92 to renew at Porkbun, $14.16 at Namecheap. (Registrar comparison chart here.)

    In terms of pure price, Cloudflare is cheaper to renew for all the domains I have, but Porkbun is only a dollar or two off and I like supporting a smaller company. Edit: Porkbun offers free SSL which is nice if you don’t feel like bothering with LetsEncrypt yourself.

    (Also, I find Namecheap’s domain management console absolutely horrible to work with in terms of UI.)