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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 30th, 2023

  • That is irrelevant. We are more concerned with relative market share than raw numbers. For example, many devs will not develop towards a browser or OS that has less than 5% market share. If/when Linux market share hits 5% and even 10%, we expect marked increases in developer interest to support our OS of choice. As far as I’m aware, nobody really sets such metrics based on raw user counts, so that is a less important number for us. Your Statistics 101 course should have taught you to make sure the statistics you are measuring are relevant.

  • The POSIX standard is more portable. If you are writing scripts for your system, you can use the full features in the main man pages. If you are writing code that you want to run on other Linux systems, maybe with reduced feature sets like a tiny embedded computer or alternates to gnu tools like alpine linux, or even other unixes like the BSDs, you will have a better time if you limit yourself to POSIX-compatible features and options – any POSIX-compatible Unix-like implementation should be able to run POSIX-compliant code.

    This is also why many shell scripts will call #!/bin/sh instead of #!/bin/bash – sh is more likely to be available on tinier systems than bash.

    If you are just writing scripts and commands for your own purposes, or you know they will only be used on full-feature distributions, it’s often simpler and more comfortable to use all of the advanced features available on your system.

  • Ooh, I moved to hyprland a few months ago and fell in love, but sway will give me static layouts? My singular gripe with hyprland is I want to keep my RDP app fixed to a size and never resized for anything, because when that window resizes inadvertently, I have to MFA half a dozen connections. I mostly like the dynamic tiling, but I’d like to fix one window on one workspace and never have it resize.

  • I love Linux, but you got some weird shit going on with your PC. I’ve got 3 4K monitors hooked up to a moderate-spec PC (Ryzen 9 3900X, 64GB RAM, RTX 3060 12GB) and I never saw white flashes when adjusting windows. Also it only rebooted when I told it to and never made much noise (quiet fans and all solid-state storage). Can’t say I ever used the super-D thing intentionally (I launched programs from the start menu, never used desktop shortcuts).

    I run Linux now because it’s sick as tits and it’s the principle of the thing, but windows has been pretty fuckin’ rock-solid since 10. Shit, I had more graphical instability with Linux a few months ago, but that’s just because I insist on using Wayland, and Nvidia drivers had a rough year last year.