• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • I think you need to look into string concatenation, the easiest and best of which is f strings. You could do something like;

    print(f’welcome, {nam}')

    You could also “add” the strings together.

    print('welcome, ’ + nam)

    Another thing, when assigning the output of something to a variable, you can think of it as “the result of the code right of the equals sign is the value of the variable”.

    The input function assumes that the value should be interpreted as a string, but what if want it to be a number? You can just wrap another function around your input

    user_number = int(input(‘what’s the number?’))

  • Your experience may vary but I’m a network engineer who learned Python and I think learning regex and pandas is invaluable. Depends on what you want to build though. As far as learning resources, I’ve always liked w3schools, it’s free and to the point.

    For books, python 101 by Michael Driscoll is very good. I wouldn’t spend money on courses. They can be pretty demotivating and expensive.

  • I came across this early in my career in networking. I ended up having to support another technicians customer(we primarily managed our own workloads) and he did not use the tools(vault) we had to manage the network equipment credentials, so I always had to call him and ask him what the password is and why he doesn’t update it in the vault(it frequently changed) … After bothering him enough about it he said it was job security.

    This was a 45k entry level job that he was years into. Why someone would want job security at the bottom part of the totem pole is beyond me, but that is where I mostly came across tribalistic tendencies(I worked in a lot of small/medium sized companies before getting a big break)

    If I look up those people on LinkedIn, they’re exactly where they were or in another lateral position. They don’t tend to make it very far.

  • What programming language? You might have to back to basics. I know what you mean though. That was my frustration as well. The basics aren’t covered well enough on many courses, and learning in a browser IDE adds anxiety when following tutorials if you don’t know how to set up your environment.

    If it’s with Python, maybe I can help. Getting your environment set up is the most important part. I like to use pycharm, it forces you into virtual environments but that’s a good practice to follow and gives you plenty of practice with the basics since you’ll have to install your dependencies for every project.

    Sometimes the dependencies change, and it’s nice to know what version you previously used vs how the new package version works.

  • As far as I know, the only thing that the new python integration helps with is that users don’t have to install Python or have to know how to use pip to install packages like pandas, because Python doesn’t run locally. It is neat how you can visualize data and show it inline with the Excel document though. My industry is very regulated, so we won’t be able to use it since the data you pass to Python goes to Azure for processing

  • I worked as a network engineer and got pretty frustrated working with outdated applications that were not user friendly. Once I became a supervisor, a large part of my job became writing and generating reports summarizing events that happened on the network that no one would ever read. I wanted to learn programming to automate the things I hated about my job.

    I’m still an engineer, not a developer, but I enjoy writing user focused programs that reduce or eliminate worker frustration. As with many jobs, it’s not the networking that’s difficult, it’s all the other bullshit you have to do.

    Also, learning how to parse, model and visualize data can really help you make your point to your management and get your ideas pushed through. Also a great way to earn brownie points with your bosses, as managers tend to love graphs.

    Wish I could say it was a passion for me but I really learned out of necessity.