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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • We don’t have a consistent convention as to what changes qualify for a version increment rather than update increment. A new kernel? A new interface convention? New icons for the mini-apps?

    Windows 10 has more plug-and-play drivers than Win7 and Win8. It can recognize newer hardware and it can be installed natively from thumb drives. So a lot of features that were third party are now offical… long after I had access to the third-party libraries.

    But then it combines the metro and the start menu. I never found a use for the metro.

    Win11 is less operability and more DRM and more spyware.

    For Apple and Microsoft, a new version is a new marketing season. It’s the same as the new iPhone, the new Subaru.

    I assume Linux builds increment with significant operability additions, especially if they’re not fully backwards compatible. Since they’re released without charge the capacity to do more stuff is the only reason to upgrade to a new increment rather than preserving a stable version.

  • Oh we did look. Gabe’s promise was to give us warning and an unlock on all our games so it could run without steam. There might be a jam in the rush to download and backup everything.

    I didn’t like digital distribution and have been burned by Stardock (for selling out to Gamestop) and then by Gamestop (for shutting down my account without cause or notice). But Steam is the least offensive of the DD offerings.

    Then again I’ve never been wronged by Steam and others have. Others have, amd I understand Steam support can be ruthlessly cold.

    I still have CD and DVD games I like with no DD alternative sources. (I’ll buy them from GOG when they’re on the cheap just for convenience.) Some of them have exceeded their official shelf lives, and would depend on finding a no-disc-check mod online.

    In this age, we should be able to download a game from any archive and just keep our licenses. But our society and the game industry only gets more and more resentful of its customer base.

    If Steam dies, I’ll likely just pirate relentlessly and only actually buy games whose dev teams I want to support. ( Terraria and DRG serve as good examples – games where lighting and mining are complex mechanics). And the industry will suffer every time a DD platforn enshittifies.

  • One of the rights we are continually trying to claw back from the IP Maximalist lobby (and their minions in office) is the right to enjoy the media you own in a format available to you.

    However, the studios and labels like taking another bite of the apple by releasing new versions, or versions in new formats, sometimes twice as they release better versions that correct for bad transfers (e.g. the lightsaber problem with the early blu-ray release.)

    Hollywood has established though repeated bad-faith behavior, it’s not interested in getting your money legitimately or while retaining a positive customer experience, but extracting your money any way they can.

    The DMCA forbids breaking DRM even for legal or non-copyright violating reasons (which is how we lost the right to repair or even jailbreak phones). And they could use this to prevent you from converting formats of your media to one you can actually use, but they’d have to make a stretchy case in court.

    Sony also overcharges for scratched or failed media, so they’ve been caught treating their stuff as licenses or media when it legally suits them.

    PS: Illegal ≠ Wrong. LGBT+ people are not grooming children, but religious ministries are.

  • I tell kids these days they are totally in one of those YAF novels where the teachers and ministers and testers (and even parents) are all in on the plot to force you through a doughboy program that turns you into an interchangeable, disposable, replaceable soldier or laborer to be exploited and discarded in some billionaire’s vanity project, all the while the world is covered in plastic residue and is liberally burning.

    IP maximalist indoctrination feels entirely on par, especially considering how disengagement is a far greater threat to media industries than piracy.

    Incidentally, IP infringement, including copyright infringement is never theft. Cheating creators and developers of a fair share of the profits, however, is theft.

  • In my experience, mental health issues are epidemic. The only question is if someone has been assessed, and then had a professional admit to them they have a diagnosis. Mind you, it’s hard to be healthy, and most people are still functional (as much as our late-state capitalist society will let them) but we noticed that mental illness was epidemic in the 1990s, likely due to major societal shifts in the industrial age: We’re used to having more of a social support system than we do. So I suspect that we’re all mad as hatters, and it’s intergenerational.

  • My experience is that when someone discovered they need certain civil rights but don’t have them, often staring down thr barrels of police service pistols, then yes, they give all the flying fucks in the universe about being supported.

    This is one of those reasons that Leopards Ate My Face is a known trope and community. Sadly, the ones who empathize already have their share of leopard teeth marked scars.

    Given I and many people I know are not going to survive genocide in the US, if ever it goes full post-Wannsee, I have little patience for anyone who does not stand at least against the transnational white power movement (aka the white Christian nationalist movement). That includes even conservatives who wish the GOP would less extreme like in the Nixon and Reagan years. That train was always going to inevitably lead to the political crisis in the US, today.

  • US police departments continue to use the tech despite low accuracy and obvious mismatches.

    This is super common. US law enforcement loves, loves, loves $2 drug tests that react to pretty much anything (including glazed donut sugar and human ashes out of an urn). It serves them as a common method to establish probable cause and end-run around the forth amendment to the Constitution of the United States.

    So yeah, inaccurate facial recognition gives them grounds to harass innocent Americans and search them to see what crimes they have committed, or they can be pressured to commit (e.g. resisting arrest)