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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


    1. someone complaining about something openly instead of using the proper channels

    I refer you back to my original statement. I was not asking how to do something. I was grousing that basic tasks are extremely user-unfriendly to configure. I’ve fixed it on my computer. That’s not the topic under discussion.

    1. someone suggesting they use the proper channels

    What proper channels? We’re in a post claiming it’s the YOTLD again, because OP apparently doesn’t realise it’s been claimed every year for the last couple decades. I’m posting about why that’s not gonna happen this year either.

    1. they denying that its an issue they can help fix but a general failing of the software/vendor (typical proprietary software-user behavior)

    I could fix it. However, I have no intention of opening a PR and spending what little free time I have contributing to open source (I’ll contribute money, but not my time). Kudos to those who do write and maintain open source, but that’s not for me.

    1. & 5.

    I think you can see how we’ve diverged into entirely different directions already.

  • If minor issues like this bother you while major issues like data collection and ad pushing dont

    As I pointed out, I’m using it because MS is screwing the pooch with those issues.

    you dont want to participate in making linux better by submitting bug reports

    These are known issues, and have been around for more than a decade. They’re not bugs, they’re missing basic features. But sure, go ahead and assume stuff.

    Its very much like owning a house or a ranch. You‘re free of others and can do whatever you like. But you do have to do your own maintenance.

    If you want to go back paying rent for a shoebox apartment, thats your choice.

    It’s probably closer to renting a apartment vs owning a shack (or it was, before said screwing of said pooch). You can upgrade it into a mansion if you want, but that’s not where you start.

  • Do you trust every one-sided story to be entirely accurate of all details?

    No, but for the sake of discussion in this thread, that is the scenario we’re all going by. We’re not rendering a legal judgement here, we’re discussing the situation as described.

    In a public library, I would fully expect public-facing ethernet ports, especially in sitting / working areas, to be available for public use. I’m not sure why they would be there otherwise. And if they’re no longer meant for public use, it would be on the library IT staff to have disabled those ports.

    what does trust have to do with it?

    Because I don’t trust non-IT-savvy people to even properly understand the question. I’ve met way too many people with no technical clue who refuse to admit to any sort of lack of knowledge when it’s extremely obvious.