I put my cloud in containers
I put my cloud in containers
I’ve asked for help finding API endpoints that do what I want because I’m feeling too lazy to pour over docs and it’ll just invent endpoints that don’t exist
Blasphemy, that’s not regex that’s just fancy grep
Any roadblocks? Any roadblocks? Squaaa, any roadblocks?
Perhaps more than one thing, who can know?
for X in $(seq -f host%02g 1 9); do echo $X; ssh -q $X “grep the shit”; done
But yeah fair, I do actually use a big data stack for log monitoring and searching… it’s just way more usable haha
Ahhh I see - thanks!! 🙏
Awesome project! Love the photos and breakdown, very well presented and explained, thanks for sharing! 🙂
Hey, not op but also bring ready to convert my tuya stuff over to home assistant - what is this new coordinator you mention? Something within HA? Any extra info you could share would be appreciated!
Personally it’s just a matter of me never really using my webcam and not minding moving a little bit of electrical tape if I need to. It’s such a small inconvenience that I can’t see why not.
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